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Hi, I am Georgia Taylor. I am a certified midwife nurse. Though I am a nurse by profession, I could never let my passion for reading and writing subside. Caring for ailing people gives me as much joy as does helping out students trying to earn their degrees. While working hard during my MSN days, I saw how my non-native batch mates struggled to work on English essays and assignments. As much as their dreams of getting into the medical field mattered to them, their struggle with English essay tasks was real and challenging. That's what ignited the desire to be a guide to such people. From helping my fellows to becoming a part-time English essay writer, the journey has been quite exciting. As my profession teaches us for being kind, that's my way of abiding by this responsibility.
Do you feel you lack imagination and ideas when writing an essay? Then don’t worry! You are not alone. Many students like you face difficulties in writing at the stipulated time in an examination. ...
Introduction: In recent era, social media essay has gained increased attention for its ability to grab attention of the readers (Miller et al. 2016). Social media is current...
According to Stevens (2013), evidence-based practice can be defined as the process of making use of the explicit and recent evidence base that is available in order to make decisions in the best inte...
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Order NowA lot of things go into making when you write a research paper. One such part is the appendices that hold the in depth value of your work. In other words, every detail related to your paper holds in ...
You may often come across situations when you have to raise your voice in support or against a point. It can be a debate on choosing the representative for a team or supporting a football team even a...
“Description is what makes the reader a sensory participant in the story.” - Stephen King. Stephen King wrote this about giving a detailed description of stories. However, a similar advice goe...
Taboo is a socio-cultural phenomenon. Any taboo, be it some action or a spoken word, is a socio-cultural rule/regulation/restriction imposed to adhere to the norms and practices of a particular socie...
Time and again, great philosophers have mentioned that a peaceful co-existence is the result of constant equilibrium. The perfect balance of emotions, actions and also the perfect balance of nature i...
Life without problems is like a dish without the appropriate spices and seasoning. And while many believe problems to be an illusion of the mind, they (certainly) make our existence flavoursome and i...