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How to Write a Social Media Essay

Table of Contents


   In recent era, social media essay has gained increased attention for its ability to grab attention of the readers (Miller et al. 2016). Social media is currently used as a major tool these days because of its user-friendly features. Social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and more are giving people a chance to connect with each other across distances (Sparby 2017). It is common instances where students are challenged through such essay in the form of writing assignment for high school or college students or as part of a scholarly work (Appel et al. 2020). Hence, it is currently used in mainstream to improve the understanding and connecting with others.   From the layman’s perception, it is identified as the communal interaction in the form of the essay among people in which they create to influence an audience (Miller et al. 2016)..    In other words, it is defined as an essay which able to provide opinion regarding any topic area and explore the ability of the author to influence others in virtual community. Social media is widely used for exploring and promoting business and sharing current events (Carr and Hayes 2015). The essays are also used for similar purpose to connect with the communities and   sharing the ideas to create certain effects.  These certain effects of essay are to persuade the audience, entertain the audience or inform the audience (Perrin 2015).  Considering the history of the essay, such opinionated writing or expressing oneself through the writing began as a civic art in Ancient Greece and developed by Aristotle. Aristotle developed the basics of the rhetorical theory and opinionated writing in the modern time (Verzosa Hurley and Kimme Hea 2014). He is considered as the father of the essay which enable audience to think less about the words the author has used while thinking more about the techniques they employ, their goal and the impact of  such essay on targeted audience (Huang, Baptista and Galliers,  2013).  To comply with the theory of Aristotle, current social media essays are designed to  allow  students  or any individual to share ideas, thoughts and opinions with other members of society (Verzosa Hurley and Kimme Hea 2014)..     Hence, social media play crucial to connect with others despite having physical distance and share ideas and opinion   in the form of writing, videos or essay. This paper will provide an insight into the social media and how to write about social media.   The paper will provide an overview of overview of social media, influence of social media on individuals and society and specific topic. The paper will also provide an insight into Importance of selecting a specific aspect or issue related to social media and current concepts around social media. The thesis statement of the essay is that social media essay is the simplest form of communication that supports individuals to share ideas, events and opinion around the globe through virtual community.  

II. Understanding social media

Definition and overview of social media:

Social media is   defined as the digital technology which enables the ability of the human to share text as well as  multimedia through virtual networks as well as  communities. Social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and snapchat enable human being to breach the physical   distancing and connect around the world within fraction of second (Carr and Hayes 2015). Considering the current statistics, more than 4.7 billion people use social media, equal to roughly 60% of the world’s population.  The emerging literature suggested that any typical social media user mostly visits more than two to three apps visits an average of 6.6 different social platforms each month, and spends an average of 2 hours 24 minutes per day using social media (Boulianne  2015). On the other hand, the current statistics suggested that usually human being sleep 7 to 8 hours per day  but majority of the waking hours are invested in social media (Jenkins-Guarnieri, Wright and Johnson 2013).  Therefore, world devotes crudely 11.5 billion hours using social platforms each day that is equivalent to 1.3 million years. Considering the history of social media, The first recognizable social media site was designed in 1977 and six degree   was the first site which enabled users to upload a profile as well as connect with others make friends with other users  around the globe.   Recently, Mark Zukerberg owned Facebook and it is identified as an official media platform. 36% of adults 18 to 29 in the US say they ‘often get news via social media and social media is widely used as the platform to gather many information.

Impact and influence of social media:

From the layman’s perception, the purpose of social media is to affect other people’s thinking.  Therefore, the social media have both positive and negative aspects that human experience.  For example, the positive aspects of the social media are Communicate and stay up to date with family and friends around the world, bring new friends to the community, reduce social isolation, Offering Support, building social media business or spreading knowledge regarding any topic (Everson, Gundlach and Miller 2013).  However, negative aspect of the social media includes   mental health issues, depression, social isolation and addiction and cyber bully.  In society, social media may promote business and positive community but it can reduce employment, academic experiences and poor performance (Iacus et al. 2020).  Hence, various types and platforms of social media can influence such experience.

Various types and platforms of social media:

 The common social media platforms include Facebook, Instagram and twitter. Facebook is American multinational technology conglomerate based in Menlo Park, California that support global population to share their multimedia and opinion.  However, Instagram is a photo and video sharing social networking that enable individuals to connect with others and share educational resources topic (Everson, Gundlach and Miller 2013). Twitter is American social media company based in San Francisco that primarily used for media purpose and celebrity updates.

III. Choosing a Topic

 The importance of selecting social media topic:

Social media is an important part of today’s world.  However, being a public platform, social media create many controversies and enable individuals to share opinion and ideas. Social media is detrimental to society because of bullying as well as lack of interaction and physical activity, along with online hackers. However, some of them also felt that it simplifies the communication    amongst population.  For example, students around the globe can attend any educational programs because live lectures and conferences and any programs are now probable for any individual because of social media (Iacus et al. 2020).  In digital era, anyone can attend a lecture happening in America while sitting in Asian countries.  Hence, the social media has both sides that students and any individual can use for facilitating their own experience. Therefore, the importance of selecting social media topic is that it provides the individual to explore around the topic and gather information as much as possible and use it to develop essay (Glavan, Mirica and Firtescu 2016). Since it can risk   significant valuable information, developing arguments around the topic, using scholarly articles to research on the topic and brain storm on the topic may influence the readers and author to shed light into the topic (Rad et al. 2020).   In this case, selecting any specific and current social media topic can provide insight into different types of topics, any concepts around the topic and evidence of the topic (Ratan,  Anand and Ratan 2019).  

 Brain storming the topic:

Brainstorming can be used to choose a topic, narrow down a broad topic, or even broaden a too narrow topic.    In the research, the professors usually provide students to involve in Brainstorming as Brainstorming encourages students to think creatively and share their ideas with others (Paulus and Kenworthy 2019). The potential topics around social media are following:

  • What is the new social media marketing tools currently used in research?
  • The impact as well as effect of social media on a brand, its image and reputation.
  • Are there any twitter and social media competition and how two platforms handle it?
  • How social media is considered as the part of public relation & marketing strategy.
  • Social media data analysis
  • How social media can influence the mental health issues.
  • Social Media Networks’ Impacts on Political Communication.

  However, based on such topic, mental health is identified as the major as well as controversial topic that human can explore. 

  Research question:

 Based on the current brain storming, the research questions are designed for the individuals to identify the concepts. In other words, research questions are considered as the roadmap to develop any research. In this case, the identified research question is “what is the impact of social media on mental health?”.

IV. Research and Gathering Information:

  Conducting research on the topic:

Conducting research is an inquiry-based process that involves identifying a question , analysing the facts and identifying the gap in  the research based on the current research will be   designed. In this case, chosen topic is impact of social media on mental health of global population. Social media are responsible for aggravating mental health problems. Human beings are social creatures that require the companionship of others to make progress in life. However, recently social media are considered as the active part of the human life and hence, increase the risk of developing ill mental health and associated  physical health (Karim et al. 2020).   The social media related research primarily focused on survey as the   research design to gather experience, leaving the gap in  exploring  current social media related generic studies. This create a premise for conducting the research on the mental health.  Therefore, any essay or research usually starts with the statistics and related concepts.   Gathering concepts and statistics and presenting them coherently improve knowledge of the readers and others around the globe.

Relevant data, statistics, and examples to support the arguments:

 The global statistics suggested that in 2019, 3.484 billion social media users are currently present worldwide. Only 38% of Twitter users were male but 61% were using Snapchat.  The females were more likely to use LinkedIn as well as Instagram. Mental health is defined as a state of well-being in which people understand their abilities and ability to live a quality life (Karim et al. 2020)..  However, current analysis of the evidence highlighted that there is a significant debated presently identified regarding the benefits and negative impacts of social media on mental health.  The constant scrolling and heavy social media  are the major contributing factor behind  an increased risk for depression, anxiety, loneliness, self-harm, and even suicidal thoughts (Karim et al. 2020). Since social media provide an opportunity to explore the lifestyle, current experiences of the individuals, low self-esteem, poor quality of life, low self-efficacy and isolation are identified as the major contributing factors behind social media use and constant comparison with  others (Naslund et al. 2020).   for example, individuals seeking multiple vacation photos of the peers may experience distress or envy that led to poor mental health (Sharma, John and Sahu 2020).  However, by sharing opinion of self or participating arguments or experiencing cyber bully increase risk of  mental health issues such as depression and anxiety,  PTSD and personality disorders (Sharma, John and Sahu 2020). Therefore, the mental health has been a significant concern in society and social media use heavily influence such high prevalence of social media.

Identifying credible sources:

  For identifying the social media related credible resource, the students can use a range of  the credible resource. In this case, the credible resources are following:

  • “Social media use and its connection to mental health: a systematic review”  by Karim et al. (2020)
  • “Investigating the role of social media on mental health”by Sadagheyani and  Tatari  (2021).
  • “A meta-analysis of the problematic social media use and mental health” by Huang, (2022).

 Apart from scholarly articles, global and national data are considered as the credible source for the research. For example,

  • “World Health Organization – Looking after mental health” designed by WHO
  • “Social Media and Mental Health” designed by

Essay Structure and Organization


 The mental health is significantly affected by the use of social media. The global data indicated that 60% of the world’s population uses social media. The average daily usage is 2 hours and 24 minutes (April 2023).    Social media become active part of day to day life and enable human to gather technical skills, connect with others, share their precious life moments. Similarly, social media may promote negative experiences such as: Inadequacy about life or appearance (Ansari and Khan 2020).  Currently, psychological research around the social media provided strong evidence that social media create a sense of inadequacy, low self-esteem and low confidence based on the successful events of the others (Auxier and Anderson 2021). Therefore, it is crucial to explore the impact of the social media on human mind and to what extend current preventing measures can address this issue.   This paper will provide insight into the impact of social media on mental health.

Background information on the importance or relevance of the chosen:

 In any essay, background information on the importance serves as premise for exploring the evidence and representing the information.  The background information enables readers to gather names, dates, events, organizations, terms, etc., associated with a topic.  The example of such information can be discussed in this context.   The background information for the research is gathered by thorough analysis of the research evidence. The key discussion in this research is to summarize for the reader what is known about the specific research problem before anyone conduct the present analysis. This is accomplished with a general review of the foundational research literature which is accompanied by findings and after the information in the background that report findings that inform study’s aims and objectives of the research. The structuring will be discussed in following paragraphs. However, Research evidence usually cited as part of the background information of introduction must not include very specific, lengthy explanations.   However, this must provide an overview so that the greater details must be included in your literature review section. Initially, statistics will be discussed to provide the data regarding current prevalence and significance of the research in this context.  In the second segment, the literature support is provided. However, elaborated discussion usually provided in the literature and hence, many articles   write Background information on the importance with the combination of literature. In such cases, Vancouver is used as reference because more than one articles can be cited as end in texting. It also provides researchers with the scope for discussing many evidence (ranging from general to topic specific information) in the background section.   In this case, different aspects of the evidence will be discussed in the background. The background section will also provide the information regarding the thesis statement that will be based on the limitation of current literature.   The last section will indicate the objective and aim of the research and it will be structured as well as organised into bullet points so that two to three objectives can be designed.

C. Clear and concise thesis statement outlining the main argument:

 The   clear and concise thesis statements are widely used in the research context as well as the context of argumentative essay. Clear and concise thesis statements of any research paper provide researchers to discuss on the topic that author    will talk about and how the author is approaching the issue. In this case, clearly designed thesis statement is “heavy and constant use of the social media often resulted in mental health issues”.   This will be included in the essay section so that readers can understand the claim based on which information regarding the social media will be discussed.

D. Structuring the main body paragraphs:

1. Presenting and analysing supporting evidence:

    Presenting and analysing any supporting evidence is crucial for structuring the main body.   Analysis in any research usually involves sorting, corroborating, and linking evidence and facts to prove, disprove and weigh competing theories (Portney 2020).  In other words, Analysis of the evidence is identified as the opportunity for contextualize as well as explain the evidence for reader so that they can understand coherence and succinate analysis of the readers. The analysis of the research may   inform why the evidence is important, what it means and how it connects to other ideas in research writing.  In traditional analysis of the research evidence, some of the major aspects discussed in this section often include the response rate of the participants, the demographic profile of the respondents, type of the data collection of  the main research findings which are discussed as per objective (Portney 2020). In this case, using social media and mental health as the key words, the articles will be identified within 10 years.  On the other hand, the articles will be identified based on both research design such as qualitative and quantitative research design so that the articles can provide insight into all aspects of the evidence such as   research design, objective and aim of the research. The findings of the research   will be included based on the evidence that support the thesis statement (elnyk and Fineout-Overholt 2022). In general essay, the supporting evidence for thesis statement must be higher compared to the different perspective. In this case, CASP tools will be used for analysing the evidence because  CASP tools enable researchers to discuss the credibility and limitation of any  paper   which can be applicable in the research (Long, French and Brooks 2020).

2. Discussing different perspectives or viewpoints:

Discussing different perspectives enable readers to gather counter arguments and take critical decisions regarding the claims of the thesis statement. In this case, the study provided very limited evidence to justify thesis statement of the research.   The different perspectives can be included by including contradicting information in the research essay.

3. Providing examples and case studies:

 The research can be designed using different case studies and examples. Case studies are important part of any researcher because they provide real-life examples of the contexts so that readers can gain idea of the real life evidence and include in paper. Fear of missing out (FOMO) and social media addiction observed in 20 years old, Lisa who currently encountered social distancing due to social distancing. After frequent scrolling through Facebook, she feels drained, poor ability to identify information and brain fog.  Other example is that 70% of population sharing personal information with strangers indicated an experience of anxiety and distress.

Counterarguments and refutation:

A counterclaim should start with a topic sentence that acknowledges the opposing side and references the previous paragraph to create a smooth transition. Three basic types of counterarguments: (a) rebutter of a conclusion, (b) rebutter of a premise, (c) under cutter of an argument.  In this case, refute the stance of opposing arguments using the statements usually use words like “although” and “however”. Counterclaims should also include credible sources as evidence for the opposing side.  In this case, counter arguments and refutation will be done based on thesis statement (Rocci  et al.  2021). the articles will be chosen that indicate the contradictory information that mental health is not affected by heavy use of social media rather social media may influence improved communication and social interactions (interpersonal interactions) (Yu and Zenker 2020).   While discussing the counter arguments, individuals able to formulate an argument statement and identify main points in order to discuss different aspects of the arguments.  Individuals can note the difference and existence of a different view is the motive for essay. The counter arguments can be designed after the supporting claims so that readers can identify coherence in the writing. The counter arguments can be structured in the form of a theme but mostly it is discussed under any themes when supporting claims are discussed using any evidence. In this case, counter arguments will be placed after the supporting claims and will be discussed  by including  research design,  research  data collection, research analysis and claims that indicate the social media impact on different population behaviour and mental health (Leal and Marraud 2022).   For example, social media interactions are done based on virtual networking that limit face to face communication with other individuals.  Hence, counter arguments will be placed based on these issues and structured according to the strong argument to weaker arguments based on the credibility of the research design.  

Conclusion that summarizes the main points and reinforces the thesis:

  The conclusion is the summary of the research that was explored in the research. In other words, A conclusion is identified as an important part of the paper because it able to provide closure for the reader and able to provide reminding the reader of the contents. The conclusion enable researchers to shed light into the importance of the paper so that future research can be conducted based on this conclusion and the implications of the research can be understood (Schünemann et al., 2019). Any reader unwilling to read whole essay rather gather information regarding any essay can use conclusion as the roadmap to identify how the research essay was structured and how it can lead to the ultimate conclusion. Therefore,    the researchers usually provide the insight into the summary of all articles that can be presented as organisation of the conclusion require drawing ultimate verdict from the articles.  On the other hand, in general aspects where thesis statement is included, the structure of  conclusion include restating the  topic as well as  why it is important, restating  thesis/claim, Address opposing viewpoints and explain why readers should align with  the position. The conclusion also includes a recommendation section that call for action or overview future research possibilities. In this case, similar structure will be followed by including into the summary of all articles that was the presented in the supporting claim as well as counterarguments. In this case, initially, thesis/claim will be restated using summary of all articles that was the presented and   interpret the significance of the data.   Lastly, the recommendation will be discussed in this case by suggesting future exploration topic and implication of information in the current clinical and practical setting can be included for the target audience. Lastly, the conclusion will also include how information is relevant to the individuals   and current policies to improve knowledge.

VI. Writing the Essay

A. Introduction:

1. Engaging introduction that introduces the topic and captures the reader’s attention:

 The growth of social media has changed the way we communicate. The number of social media users worldwide was estimated to be 3.6 billion in 2020. The current emerging literature suggested that social media is most    suitable and increasingly popular tool for communication and information sharing in clinical setting and global platform. This   significant pattern of social media has been demonstrated by the number of systematic reviews published over the past decade. The current data of 2004 to 2023 ( two systematic reviews were  regarding social media use and impact on health  and  number of systematic reviews increased to thirty-four in recent  5 years) suggested that  social media is a powerful tool for the students.  In this case, it is crucial for  researchers  to explore the role of social media and mental health  because social media can influence   the mental health and wellbeing of  global population.

2. Providing necessary background information and context:

In recent era, mental health is often ignored is because there are still a lot of stigmas surrounding mental illness (Auxier and Anderson 2021).  The mental health issues are currently considered as the sign of weakness, especially in developing countries.  However, mental health issues are developed in individuals due to compromised sleep, constant scrolling through social media and taking active part in social media (Auxier and Anderson 2021). Considering the social media related research, majority of the research conducted study on the mental health by using primary and quantitative research. Systematic studies can quantitatively and qualitatively identify, aggregate, and evaluate all accessible data to generate a warm and accurate response to the research questions involved. Majority of the research not only involved primary research but narrowed down to one mental health issues amongst the s global population (Robinson 2022).  It limits the subjective human experience and scope for exploring new information using up to date literature together (Ansari and Khan 2020). Since mental health is a significant condition that affects quality of life of any individual, available literature heavily focused on medical science. The mental health related to use of the social media is relatively new phenomenon discussed in the literature from the perspective of readers and current victims of mental health issues.    This creates a premise for conducting research regarding impact of social media on mental health of global population.  These researches primarily provide a roadmap for considering the future research based on the aspects this research unable to explore.  Similarly, research primarily provides awareness to the global population and health care professionals to limit the use of the social media. This research primarily provide a scope for developing health promotion using Ottawa charter and   replace the use of social media with the mindfulness in order to prevent the high  prevalence of the  mental health issues (Wilberg et al. 2021). 

3. Clearly stating the thesis statement:

Clear and concise thesis statements of any research paper provide researchers to discuss on the topic that author    will talk about and how the author is approaching the issue. In this case, clearly designed thesis statement is “heavy and constant use of the social media often resulted in mental health issues”.   

B. Body paragraphs:

  1. Topic sentences that introduce the main ideas or arguments of each paragraph:

 The topic sentences in this case will be role of social media in influencing the mental health of the global population.  The topic sentences will indicate how social media will influence perception of the individuals and how evidence can   support the topic sentence.  In this case, two topic sentences such as

  • “Social theories found how social media use affects mental health”
  • “Female population   are more likely to experience mental health”
  • “Social media  also increase addiction amongst adolescents and it affected the academic performance”

2. Supporting evidence, examples, and data to back up the claims:

Presenting and analysing the evidence are significant aspect of the research as justifying any claim or argument with the evidence in the form of a theme provide insight into the current information that was presented. In this case, themes will not   be discussed rather evidence that support the thesis statement will be discussed.  Karim et al. (2020), suggested that social theories found how social media use affects mental health by influencing perception of the individuals ,  how they able to maintain, and interact with  others present within their network or within community.   Since social media influences the biases, cognitive aspects and perceptions,  frequent social media use can increase self-esteem issues, poor self-worth and distress that contributed to mental health issues.  For example, the author in the systematic review of 12 articles indicated that when   any individuals, especially young populations are involved in prolonged use of social media platforms such as Facebook, the experience of lack or self-worth reflected in negative signs and symptoms of depression, anxiety, and stress (Skai  and Inkpen 2020). The findings also suggested that female population   are more likely to experience mental health than male population as female population are oppressed in many households and they tend to internalised (Skai  and Inkpen 2020). Therefore, they have poor emotional regulations and poor ability to express emotions compared to men and hence, they more likely experience mental health issues. Hou et al. (2019), reported that social media also increase addiction amongst adolescents and it affected the academic performance, poor peer relationship and limited connection with the family members.  Hence, constant in the phones resulted in poor mental health issues.  However, many articles also highlight different perspectives regarding the thesis statement of the research. 

3. Analysis and interpretation of the evidence in relation to the thesis:

   Based on the evidence discussed above, it can be said that   the evidence indicated thesis statement such as social media can influence the mental health of the individuals (global population). The frequent   use of Facebook and Instagram will lead to   heavy devotion of the time in social media, poor concentration, poor work life balance and poor sleep. It is significant for the individuals who already have a risk of mental health issues and social media use aggravated the mental health.

C. Counterarguments and refutation (if applicable): 

Presenting opposing viewpoints or arguments:

The counterarguments and refutations are crucial to provide insight into the current concepts and evidence around the topic. For example, social media has been linked to poor sleep patterns, depression, and anxiety.  The frequent use of social media may promote negative experiences such as: Inadequacy about life or appearance and low self-esteem and aggression that impact the mental health issues of the population.  Similarly, mental health advocates blame the media for promoting stigma and discrimination toward people with a mental illness. The stereotyping, discrimination and poor behaviour are highly promoted through social media such as Facebook and Instagram (Castaño-Pulgarín, et al. 2019). Many hate comments are posted by the students and individuals to stigmatise any brands or any individual (Castaño-Pulgarín, et al. 2019).  Internet and social media as a space for online hate speech, types of cyberhate, terrorism as online hate trigger, online hate expressions and most common methods to assess online hate speech.

Refuting the counterarguments with logical reasoning and evidence:

Salloum et al. (2021), suggested that the social media enable students and other young population to connect with universities, private tuitions and others. Hence, their mental health issues are improved after gathering information through   social media platforms.  To provide counter argument, Roberts and David (2020), suggested that   since many individuals experience fear of missing out and isolation, this social media can support their mental health through connecting with the communities. This instance is observed in COVID19 where social distancing is a significant norm that limits human interactions. Therefore, social media mostly affect mental health of the individuals (Tsao et al. 2021).  In health care setting, it is highly significant because social media tools have been employed in healthcare to enhance social networking and professional development. Social media offers a new avenue for direct personal contacts, development of updated policy (Yoon et al. 2021). The recent data suggested that social media is a learning tool for health care professionals because facilitated knowledge sharing and evidence-informed practice (Yoon et al. 2021). The limitation and knowledge gap in evidence-informed practice can be addressed through this issue and hence, the social media is used for knowledge purpose as well as   continuous learning.    Similarly, maintained a significant social media presence, and have actively encouraged social media usage by providing toolkits for their employees to generate content (Gao et al. 2020). Since population health currently consider the elimination of traditional medical care rather provide care that encompass social, environmental, economic, and cultural factors which influence health, social media is one such means. Hence, social media may influence the mental health in positive and negative ways. 

D. Conclusion:

1. Summarizing the main points and arguments made in the essay:

   The key arguments of the essay are that social media affects the mental health in many ways. For example, mental health advocates blame the media for promoting stigma and discrimination toward people with a mental illness. Similarly, social media also increase addiction amongst adolescents and it affected the academic performance, poor peer relationship and limited connection with the family members. Therefore, the students usually experience mental health issues based on the frequent scrolling. Negative aspect of the social media includes   mental health issues, depression, social isolation and addiction and cyber bully.   The example is given for explanation relationship between social media and mental health.  However, the social media also have a positive aspect as well.  In recent, social media tools have been employed in healthcare to enhance social networking and professional development. Social media offers a new avenue for direct personal contacts, development of updated policy and improve knowledge of the care. This finding is in line with other studies that found healthcare professionals often used a communication application, such as WhatsApp or Facebook. The professionals share their personal information, multimedia files and updated information regarding policies.  The social media also influence digital literacy, issues of trust and privacy, and sufficient resources are needed for successful caregiver adoption of social media. Therefore, it is crucial for the individuals to reduce social media addiction and replace it with the healthy or digital detox so that mental health issues can be addressed. 

2. Restating the thesis statement in a conclusive manner:

 The based on the information and current evidence, the research able to justify thesis statement is “heavy and constant use of the social media often resulted in mental health issues amongst global population”.   

3. Providing final thoughts or suggestions for further research or action:

  This is a social media essays that use secondary research design by including primary research  from the literature. This research unable to provide information regarding the quality of care that has been provided to the individuals who experience mental health issues due to social media. On the other hand, the research also unable to provide insight into the perception of the stakeholders regarding social media for population health, especially mental health.  The future research will include this to contribute in current literature base. For example, future studies should examine the perceptions of these stakeholders on the value of social media for population health. On the other hand, future studies should examine extend and type, quality of care that has been provided to the individuals who experience mental health issues.   The future research also must focus on the mental health issues identified in the adolescents and primary research must be included to improve credibility of the research. 

VII. Editing and Revising

Proofreading for grammatical, spelling, and punctuation errors:

Proofreading can be difficult when any one tries to proof read   their own paper.  This is because the human mind usually already sees the paper as anyone wrote it. However, there are some ways proof read can improved for anyone because proofread to shake up perception so you can see your paper with fresh eyes and spot any errors.  Few steps can be followed in this case,  

1)The first   step is to review the Grammar, spelling and punctuations errors.  During proofread, the individuals must look for sentence fragments and run-on sentences (Liu 2021). The fragments, spelling mistakes are usually highlighted through the red indication. 2) Each sentence will be thoroughly reviewed for the Grammars, spellings and punctuation errors. The tense, correct spelling will be considered as the parameter to identify whether the Grammars, spelling and punctuations are correct or not (Bi 2020). 3) For the individuals with limited time for proof reading, spell checker can be used.    One should run spell-checker every time they make a change in order to clarify that paper has appropriate format and content (Mouthaan and Vitello 2022).

B. Reviewing the clarity and coherence of the essay’s structure and organization:

 Coherence and clarity are two fundamental parts of any essay.  For example, Clarity in any essay is defined as aspect of writing that provides clear understanding of the content of the writing. On the other hand, Coherence is identified as the illusion that an argument holds together, that it is all of one piece.  Paragraph coherence is achieved when sentences are ordered in a logical manner and when clear transitions link sentences. In this case, clarity is identified through   reading the sentences, interpreting the meaning (Azeez 2020). The coherence can be identified through reviewing connection between arguments and clear transitions between sentences be identified.  Use of transitional expressions to link ideas, sentences, and paragraphs were also reviewed repeatedly.  Grammarly can be used for identifying the coherence as well as clarity.  Hence, the clarity and coherence both are achieved through   making clear statements and structuring sentences.    The evidences are also clarified before making changes in the essay to achieve clarity.

C. Checking for logical flow and smooth transitions between paragraphs:

  The works of science are needed as references in making new literary works as well as giving a contribution to knowledge. Some scholars and   researchers suggested that Turnitin and Grammarly are current tools that students and university both use to improve logical flow, Grammer punctuations and transition between paragraphs. Turnitin is excellent tool for the students’ awareness in writing, assessing and checking their writings, and improving students’ writing skills due to the creativity and critical thinking to make the original writing (Mphahlele and McKenna 2019).  Similarly, plagiarism is identified as the major issue in the essay that enables individuals to copy and paste the content without giving complete credit (Awasthi 2019).

D. Seeking feedback from peers or instructors for revisions and improvements:

Students receive a lot of feedback on their writing, whether from peer review, instructors, friends, or writing consultants. That feedback helps us improve as writers, but it can be challenging to turn those suggestions into an actual revision plan.   In this case, feedback can be gathered from the peers or instructors for revisions and improvements. For example, university professors as well as supervisors can provide insight into the issues and whether the concepts are aligned with the research topic or not ( Ruegg 2015). The professor can be included in the proof reading and professor can use Turnitin to improve knowledge of the plagiarism as well as clarity.

VIII. Conclusion

Recap of the importance of social media and its impact on society:

 The importance of social media is highly increased in recent era for significant impact of society. Billions of people around the world use social media to share information and make connections. On a personal level, social media allows you to communicate with friends and family, learn new things, develop your interests, and be entertained. The positive aspects of the social media are communicated and stay up to date with family and friends around the world, bring new friends to the community, reduce social isolation, offering support, building social media business or spreading knowledge regarding any topic. While students and peers are more likely to engage in the   face-to-face interactions, seek support and engage daily activities, current over use of social media significantly transforms the social connection of students and peers. Hence, it is fundamental to identify the positive and negative association of social media with social isolation and mental health.  Social media provides a unique opportunity for the adolescents who are less popular in their school or college; it reduces their social connection and face to face interactions. The virtual sense of belongings often increases the cyber victimisation through hacking and frequent bully through broadcasting private photos.  The social media also influence digital literacy, issues of trust and privacy, and sufficient resources are needed for successful caregiver adoption of social media.  However, social media also improve communication as well as   connection with others. Social media offers a new avenue for direct personal contacts, development of updated policy and improve knowledge of the care.  Hence, it must be used with appropriate care process in improving mental health of the patients.

B. Restatement of the thesis and key arguments:

   In this case, thesis statement is “heavy and constant use of the social media often resulted in mental health issues”.    The healthy use of social media can improve the mental health but heavy use can lead to mental health issues.  The appropriate use of social media and digital detox must be included to improve mental health issues. 

C. Final thoughts on the future implications or potential solutions related to social media:

  The future implication of this research is that the digital detox can be introduced in the policy to restrict social media use. Teens who post content on social media are at risk of sharing intimate photos or highly personal stories. The cyber-attacks are done based on such risk of sharing intimate photos. This research will raise awareness amongst population regarding impact on mental health. The professionals can be provided with the knowledge to consider it as the risk  factor of mental health.


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Georgia Taylor

Hi, I am Georgia Taylor. I am a certified midwife nurse. Though I am a nurse by profession, I could never let my passion for reading and writing subside. Caring for ailing people gives me as much joy as does helping out students trying to earn their degrees. While working hard during my MSN days, I saw how my non-native batch mates struggled to work on English essays and assignments. As much as their dreams of getting into the medical field mattered to them, their struggle with English essay tasks was real and challenging. That's what ignited the desire to be a guide to such people. From helping my fellows to becoming a part-time English essay writer, the journey has been quite exciting. As my profession teaches us for being kind, that's my way of abiding by this responsibility. 

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