The sustainable energy is regarded as a form of energy meeting the current energy demands. These could be used repeatedly without any harm, depleted or getting expired. This kind of energy must be encouraged widely as they never damage the surroundings and are available at free of cost.
Many nations have been suffering from the limits of sustainable energy. This includes the issues like geographical accessibility, technological development, lack of industrialization, financial availability and the natural resources. Most of these nations have been facing high difficulties and have got excluded from the access to the natural forms of the sustainable energies.
The argument regarding the positive and negative ramifications on the people and environment of the alternative source of the energy use has been a subject of debate. The query has been what form of the sustainable energy has been delivering best balance to protect the human health and environment.
The necessary infrastructure and the equipment of the sources of green energy have been developing. The competition between the various countries for producing the viable sources of alternative energy has been continuing. Currently, the various researchers have revealed that the surface of the Earth has been warming up. The human beings have been responsible for the warming through the fossil fuels. Thus using the systems of sustainable energy like the cruder methods, wind or hydroelectric like the burning of the fossil fuels or waste incineration would decrease.
The following study reviews the various literatures and has analyzed what sustainable energy has meant. It identifies the various needs of the sustainable energy and the makes an in-depth understanding of the carbon-free environment, green energy and policies for the sustainable energy. Lastly, it analyzes whether the sustainable energy has been the alternate source of the energy.
The energy and the sustainability are the terms often related to the development while the survival of the mankind is considered as Katsounaros et al. (2014) debates. The debates have been broadly re-emphasizing the reality that the human society and nature could truly evolve by the capability of acquiring the energy in a sustainable and clean way. This has been broadly believed that the energy increases the growth and the development of the sustainable. The sustainability has been pointed by Surendra et al. (2014) as the pattern of the social, environmental and economic progress meeting the necessities of the current day without decreasing the capacity in meeting the further needs. The sustainable energy thus indicates the production of the energy patterns and usage supporting the society’s future and present needs with the least social, environmental and economic costs of the life-cycle. Now, Ahmad and Tahar (2014) raise the question here that what has sustainable energy have been meaning to the humanity and why such discussions have been emerging at the current states.
The main point of Shaikh et al. (2014) is that the reason why the sustainable energy is the need of the hour has been discussed hereafter. Every demand of the developed and the developing countries have needed the manipulation of their natural resources. As the resources are not used rightly, the future generations would face many hazards even death threats. The sustainable development has been the only way to secure the natural balance. Akinyele and Rayudu (2014) support the previous point through one of the instances, which is the hydroelectric energy serving the alternative path of creating electricity. Then there is the nuclear energy that is regarded as the king of every alternate energy sources. This thing could be augmented by considering the electricity could be generated by the nuclear fission. The arguments could be held together as then there is the usage of solar energy as the attractive source of energy.
The surrounding where the process of not producing any carbonic compounds such as the carbon-dioxide contributing to the pollution is referred to the carbon-free environment. Thus it has been not related to the emission of the carbon dioxide in the environment. However, Van Der Schoor and Scholtens (2015) states that the usage of the residual poorer ore in the nuclear reactors has been generating more carbon-dioxide emissions that the direct burning of the fossil fuels. Then there is the green energy coming from various natural sources. These energies have been renewable or naturally replenished. The Green, however, has been utilizing the energy sources that have been available readily across the world. The green energy has the ability to replace the fossil fuels in every major sector of e using including the space heating, fuel for the motor vehicles, water, and the electricity as the article by Hosseini and Wahid (2016) refers.
Apart from the various energy sources mentioned above, there has been geothermal energy, biomass, and biofuels. The geothermal energy has been available in form of hot springs. They are capable of generating electricity. Luthra et al. (2015) mentioned that very recently the living natural materials such as the combustible agricultural wastes, sawdust, and wood waste could be changed into energy with the far smaller emissions of greenhouse gases than the fuel sources of petroleum based. The reason is that the biomass has been containing the energy stored from the Sun. Sometimes, instead of burning the biomasses for creating energy, the renewable organic elements could be transformed into the form of fuel. Seyfang et al. (2015) gathered the information that the biofuels have been providing about 3 % of the world, fuels regarding road transport. They have the potential in meeting more than one-fourth of the total demand of the world for the transformation fuels by the year 2050.
While speaking about the emissions of greenhouse gases, one of the important factors has been the automobile. The car manufacturers have been stuck in their conventional ways and the electric companies are much more flexible in making changes and extending the use of resources apart from the fossil fuels. In various cases, written by Shariatzadeh, Mandal and Srivastava (2015) the power companies have been able to integrate easily the sustainable sources in the power grids. As the power sources have been using more sources of sustainability. Thus it has been benefiting them along with the consumers and the surroundings. The cost of the sustainable power has not been changing the cost of natural resources or coal constantly.
Various innovations have been under the way at every hour of the day. Hosseini and Wahid (2016) reminds that the human beings, the most sublime being should not give up on the problems so easily. He has the already bagged the plans to the face the challenges of the depleting resources that looms huge through innovating, manipulating and experimenting the alternative energy sources. Thus they need not halt their evolution or compromise anything regarding their progeny.
Many things could be done through the usage of the solar energy, solar power, wind power, fusion power, nuclear power, tidal energy, hydroelectric energy, biofuels and the biomass. They are the welcome options for simplifying the burden on the over-pressed fuels of fuels. These types of inviting options have been the keeping the scientists busy in finding out the various methods to use the inexhaustible energy powerhouses to the people’s benefits.
Regarding the hydroelectric energy at high pressure, this could be used against the gigantic turbines that produce electricity. Thus the some of the coals could be spared that could be alternatively used for the process. As the nuclear energy never releases any polluting gases such as sulfur-dioxide or carbon dioxide, thus there has been no global warming or acid rain (Olabi 2014). However, there has been limiting factor keeping the nuclear energy from being the origin of every energy sources, meet the security norms needs a large investment of capital. The disposing of the harmful toxic nuclear also has been a hazard. The world would need some time to confidently depend on the nuclear energy.
The wind energy has also been harnessed in producing the electricity. However, the forms also have its shortfalls and the wind is unpredictable. Moreover, the huge area of land id needed for setting up the windmills (Dusastre and Martiradonna 2017). On the other hand, as per as the solar energy is concerned, the development of the solar cells and photovoltaic cells has been an expensive operation.
Thus there have been various sources contributing in their individual ways in saving the mankind form the day of doom. Additionally, various new experiments have been carried out in minimizing the usage of the fossil fuels and saving the atmosphere from degradation. For instance, there are the zero-carbon cities. They have totally running on the renewable energies. They have no footprint carbon and the never harm the planet. For establishing the zero carbon environments, the people should collectively decrease the emissions of the greenhouse gases to null. The practices of emitting the greenhouse gases should be ceased (Lund and Mathiesen 2015). Optimal living conditions should be maintained through eradicating the environmental effect. As the subject of green energy is talked about, the gas and electricity generated from the renewable sources are meant. There have been various policies of sustainable energy that are analyzed hereafter. The energy policies have been distinct at various periods.
However, they have contributed well to the growth of sustainable development. At the apartheid period, the energy policies have been mainly centralized on the energy security due to the political isolation of the nations. As democracy emerged the energy policies directed to the addressing of the injustices faced by most of the people who denied the basic services previously. Since the previous decade, the policies have been focusing on achieving the timetables and targets that have been governing it after the year 1994 (Nowotny et al. 2014). The targets have been relating to the economic security and job creation. They have been also identifying the paths of development needed to process in a sustainable way and safeguard both the global and local governments. The 1975’s Energy Policy and Conservation Act has been enacting on the reason to serve the energy demands of the country. They have also been promoting the method of conservation as feasibly obtainable. The Act has been amended to the following.
- Granting the particular authority to the nation’s president for fulfilling the obligations under the energy program around the world.
- Delivering the creation of the Strategic Petroleum Reserve that has been able to reduce the effect of extreme interruptions of energy supply.
- Conserving the energy supplies through the programs of energy conservation and regulation of particular energy uses.
- Supplying the developed energy efficiency of the major appliance, motor vehicles, and particular another consumer products.
- Providing the ways to verify the energy data for assuring the trust of the energy data.
- Conserving water through enhancing the water efficiency of the particular plumbing appliances and products (Richter 2013).
The Energy Policy Act at 2005 has been containing the provision for reducing the intensity of industrial energy. The Act has been allocating the funding to conduct and establish the rebates of the energy efficient appliances and the programs of pilot energy efficiencies. Moreover, the Act has been developing the pilot programs for the efficiency of energy in the low-income communities. Again there has been another step in conserving the energy. That was the “Conserve by Bicycling Program” (Lin et al. 2014). Within this program, the secretary of transportation has been directed for establishing the pilot projects that have been designed to conserve the resources of energy through encouraging the usage of bicycles instead of motor vehicles. The Secretary of Energy has been prescribing the guidelines for encouraging the programs of state energy conservation, providing the federal technical and financial assistance for supporting programs in order to promote energy conservation. Lastly, this included the reduction of the demand of rate of energy growth (Olabi 2013).
Definitely, the sustainable energies have been the alternative source of energy. One of the best benefits of the sustainable energy sources has been that it could never be running out of supply. The energy sources such as Sun and wind is in existence from the time unlimited and they are like unable to get extinct. They would be providing energy in the years to come. Thus the sustainable energy is that one on which humanity has relied on for fulfilling the electricity needs (Gavrilescu 2014). Thus it is a massive alternative source of energy’s it never needs the greater source of savings for continuing the use of the renewable energies. Only just a little maintenance is needed to be done with less cost.
The future of the Earth strictly relies on the usage of the resources available. This never indicates that people halt every progress for saving the resources for the coming generation. This has been calling for the effective usage of the non-renewable resources. The wastage of those resources should be deduced and the alternative sources must be created for the more feasible for the general public. Through shifting the burden from the non-renewable to the renewable resources, the people could stand up against the threats of the future.
4. Conclusion:
In brief, it would be wise for the human beings to explore the most environmentally viable method for tapping the needed energy. It would be helpful against the jeopardizing the future of the next generations. This must be done by bequeathing them to a clear word without any environmental and socio-political problems regarding the fossil fuels. The sustainable development has been the only way to secure the natural balance. Examples of this include the hydroelectric energy serving the alternative path of creating electricity. The report also mentions the nuclear energy that is regarded as the king of every alternate energy sources. Moreover, electricity could be generated by the nuclear fission. Then there is the usage of solar energy as the attractive source of energy. Besides this, there has been geothermal energy, biomass, and biofuels. The first one is capable of generating electricity. Currently, the living natural materials such as the combustible agricultural wastes, sawdust, and wood waste could be changed into energy with the far smaller emissions of greenhouse gases than the fuel sources of petroleum based. This happened because the biomass has been containing the energy stored from the Sun. The energy policies have been distinct at various periods. However, they have contributed well to the growth of sustainable development.
It has been used to seek the management of sustainable energy as the multi-valued operation method, process, and phenomenon complying with the concept of sustainable development. Here, it has been needed to control the multi-valued and important changes in every level and sector of the society. The report discusses various energy policies. The energy policy Acts have been including various approaches that include granting the particular authority to the nation’s president for fulfilling the obligations under the energy program around the world. There have been also the delivering the creation of the Strategic Petroleum Reserve that has been able to reduce the effect of extreme interruptions of energy supply along with various other policies.
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