Assessment Title: Website and Documentation
In this assessment you will be developing a website that provides information on the “Solent Technology Conference” which is a fictitious research conference that invites speakers to present their latest research. This website will have both a public facing element that provides information to the public and an API that allows the website to receive information from other sources.
This website will be deployed into a node environment and therefore must be written in and operate using Node.js
To speed up the marking process you should:
• Use your student ID as the name for your submitted files.
• You should use the routes listed in the next section; you should also ensure they are spelt correctly in your code
• You should only install the node packages as listed in the technologies section of this document. You should not install any others.
• Please use port number 5000
• When the marker downloads your submission, they will do the following to make it run – you should ensure that this will work
o Unzip the zip file
o Open the now unzipped project folder in VSCode
o In the terminal run the command: npm install
o In the terminal run: node index.js
o The marker should now be able to view the website by going to localhost:5000 and get api results back by going to localhost:5000/api/speakers
By ensuring the above, the marking process is likely to be quicker. Delays can occur if enough submissions do not follow the above points.
The database that the system interacts with must be SQLite. Said database will need to store the following about speakers who will be presenting at the event (No further information should be provided):
• ID – As with most database tables, all records should have a unique ID
• The name of the speaker
• Title – The title of their speech
• About – A brief background about the speaker
• Workplace – Where they work
Do not get real data/information about real people. For the sake of this assessment, just make up names etc and use filler text where needed. The database should be submitted with the assessment – do not code scripts that create your database when the website first runs.
As you are creating the system in Node.js, you will be setting up routes that will allow the website to be accessed. There will be two different sets of routes, the first will allow access to the API and the second will all access to the webpages which make up the website.
All routes should be in a file called index.js
The API will facilitate the adding, removing, updating and retrieval of speaker information. Responses should be given in JSON.
The following routes MUST be provided:
• Retrieve all speakers in JSON format: GET api/speakers
• Retrieve the information about a specific speaker – the response should provide a single result in JSON format GET api/speaker/:id
• Create a new speaker – A JSON response indicating success or error should be returned POST api/speaker
• Update the details of a speaker – A JSON response containing the new details of the speaker, or an error should be returned PUT api/speaker/:id
• Remove a speaker by their ID – A JSON response indicating success or error should be returned.
DELETE api/speaker/:id
The Website
The website itself will be made up of the following pages and should be suitably displayed using HTML and CSS. You should also include JavaScript functionality as
As with the API, the following routes should be set up in your index.js file all these routes should render HTML from an EJS template.
You should have:
• GET / Home Page: A welcome page for the users that will just look nice and promote/provide general information about the conference
• GET speakers/ Speakers Page: This page should list all the speakers from the database. This should be formatted appropriately. This page only needs to provide the
name of each speaker and where they work. You should also be able to select an individual speaker and be taken to a page about them (below) Additionally, this page should give the user options to add and delete speakers You should not provide pictures of individual speakers
• GET speaker/:id Speaker page: Display a page that provides all details about the speaker with the specified ID. The user should also be given the option to update the
speaker’s information. You should not provide images of the speaker.
You must only use the following to develop this website:
• JavaScript
• Node JS
o Express
o SQLite
Any technologies that were not covered in this unit will not be counted and any features developed using them will be overlooked. (Bootstrap and JQuery, whilst mentioned in the unit, are not to be used)
Supporting Documentation
In addition to the website, you are also expected to provide a word document or PDF.
This will be a brief and concise document that will be written after you have completed your website. It should detail the following.
• Very clear and concise evidence that your website meets the requirements as set out in the above pages and the grading criteria (below)
• Proof that your website conforms to W3C standards (use their online validator)
• Legal and ethical considerations
o What makes the website accessible? (i.e. alt text on images)
o What legal considerations have been made? (sourcing images from websites like pexels for example)
• (Where applicable) – What security considerations have been made.
• You should also document any use of version control (i.e., a screenshot of any commits made to git)
o If you have been pushing your code up to GitHub, you must declare it here with screenshots clearly showing your GitHub username.
This should be to the point! I do not expect definitions of any concepts or lengthy explanations. I also do not expect lengthy background or research pieces on conferences.
Learning Outcomes
This assessment will enable students to demonstrate in full or in part the learning outcomes identified in the unit descriptors.