Learning Outcomes
Module learning outcomes addressed:
Report Brief
The coursework for the first semester is based on a fictional scenario involving a small-scale construction project. The purpose of this scenario is to provide the appropriate context for the delivery and assessment of the module.
Palkin Developments Ltd, a local property developer in Harrow area, has been granted a planning application by the local Council, to build two three-storey blocks of flats in Woodcock Dell Sport Fields, to alleviate recent accommodation issues in Harrow, London, due to recent population growth. The planning application approval has been granted for the following items:
Firstly, Palkin Developments Ltd will undertake the main project, delivering both blocks of flats (1). Secondly, the car park construction (3) will be undertaken by Instant Car Parks Ltd (ICPL). Lastly, the road extension (2) will be delivered by Opus-Arup, a design and civil engineering contractor. You, as the appointed Opus-Arup designer and site engineer will have to design the road extension (2) for your client, Palkin Developments Ltd.
The Client asked you, as project designer and site engineer to produce a 2000 +/- 10% words Site Engineering Report, that covers the following areas:
1. Outline a structured site investigation procedure and justify the measures required to assess the site suitability for design and construction of the proposed road extension.
2. Produce a brief desk study containing gathered site-specific information.
3. A preliminary site investigation revealed that:
a. The existing ground is sloping towards the line of trees adjacent to the train tracks and towards the proposed buildings, therefore the road crossfall will be towards the same direction.
b. A recent Plate Load Test has revealed a CBR value of 10% of the sub-grade soil.
Therefore, outline the type of pavement, road structure and materials based on conditions a. and b. including thickness values for each layer within this structure and use academic sources to support the proposed pavement outline. Additionally, propose a suitable road drainage solution in the given conditions above, to address the presence of stormwater on the road, and use academic sources to support your drainage solution.
4. A preliminary site investigation revealed that the existing Finish of Road Level (FRL) is at the same level with the Temporary Benchmark (TBM), at 45.750m above OS Datum. The proposed road extension FRL will be at the same level with the existing road level. Indicate the reduced levels on top of each layer of material in the composition of your road, starting with the excavation to foundation level.