Team Submission DocumentsYour team submission must include the following documents.Team Cover Page provided with this document (provide each team member name and signature)Structure charts for each program.Program listings for each programReport listings (output) as noted in Processing RequirementsPrint out of Screens as noted in Processing Requirements Flowcharts are not required in your team submission. However it would be wise to d...
Part 1 Create a Word document (or something else of your choice). Answer the following questions. Make a PDF with your answers. Cite any sources you use to answer questions. 1. Why would anyone ever use Insertion Sort? We know Quicksort and Mergesort are faster. Explain why Insertion Sort could be of practical use to a programmer. 2. The quicksort parition we looked at used the last element in the range as the pivot. We also talked abou...
Online Quiz Exam Grading Program1.Write a program to mark an online quiz exam. The exam has 20 multiple-choice questions and the correct answers for the questions are as follows: 2.Write a class named “QuizExam” that holds the correct answers in an array field. The class should also have an array field that holds the student’s answers. The class should have the following methods: “quizPassed” that returns tru...
Insertion Sort as Recursive Procedure1. Insertion sort can be expressed as a recursive procedure as follows. In order to sort A[1 .. n], we recursively sort A[1 .. n -1] and then insert A[n] into the sorted array A[1 .. n - 1]. 1a) (10 points) Write pseudocode for this algorithm, Insertion sort, as a RECURSIVE procedure. 1b) (4 points) Write a recurrence for the worst case running time of this recursive version of insertion sort. 1...
InstructionsBy doing this assignment, you will learn how to build a ray-tracer with MPI and OpenMP.Please read the research paper regarding Parallel Ray Tracing using MPI or OpenMP before starting this assignment. 1. Refer to the legacy code in “simple-ray-tracing”, please write your own program of a ray-tracer which is running in with serial algorithm (not parallel algorithm). 2. Now you have your non-parallel ray-tracer built...
Color coded coupons and discount informationA salon offers coupons to its customers time to time. Without coupons adult haircut is 15.50 and the child haircut is 10.50. Coupons that this salon offers are color coded. The following table shows the color code and discount information Color code Discount Green (code # 1) 3.50 from adult, 2.50 from kids Blue (code # 2) 2.59 from adult, 1.50 from kids Writ...
IntSet InterfaceIn this assessment you are requested to produce a bespoke implementation for sets of integers (that is: integers of type int). A set is a collection of elements that has no particular order, and no concept of multitude of occurrences â two sets are the same if the contain the same elements. First, here is the specification of how the implementation should be structured The overall type of integer sets should ...
GoalsGoals: Developing problem solving skills, using functions with value parameters and reference parameters Problem: The company, HeatTransfer, is developing 8 new formulations to use for their widgets for heat transfer. To ensure that the formulations produce similar results when they are prepared by 6 plants in different locations, the company has asked each of the six plants toprepare each formulation and measure the thermal conductivity...
TaskIn this assignment, you will continue working on the Smart Home Controller challenge playing the role of "Smart Builders", i.e., a bunch of developers who develop custom smart homes by putting together various components. You will now face three challenges: •Adapting an Old Sensor. You are given an temperature sensor driver that does not satisfy the Simple Smart Device Collaboration Standard (SSDCS). You will need to use the adapter ...
Learning OutcomesLearning Outcomes This assessment is designed to demonstrate a student’s completion of the following Learning Outcomes: Demonstrate understanding of the theoretical concepts and abstractions to the design of novel and innovative distributed and parallel systems. Critically evaluate the fundamental issues in the design of distributed algorithms, protocols and systems, such as timing, coordination and consensus. Impl...
Assessment Requirements Gain knowledge and understanding of OOP concepts and principles and be able to evaluate and interpret within the context. Demonstrate comprehensive analytical knowledge of design and implementation of object-oriented programmes, taking quality and reusability into account using APIs or object repositories. Employ a structural approach to test OOP based systems, using a test plan, monitoring expected and actual result...
Task•Three fields, title, objective (of the game) and cost In Pence (in pence of each download); •A constructor, which allows you to pass arguments to initialise these three attributes in the order specified above; •Accessor and mutator methods for each field. •Write a method download() which allows a user to "download a copy of the game". Since this is only a model, at the moment, all we do is output a message which c...
TaskDuring the trimester, weekly practical classes will re-enforce principles of the associated lecture topic. Of these, there will be five programming exercises whose solutions should be archived into a portfolio and submitted along with the main assignment at the end of the trimester. These exercises should be worked on in scheduled practical class time, and students can support/help each other provided that no actual code is exchanged between...
1. AimsThis assignment will be assessed (10% of the final mark of the module). Students are invited to prepare a short report that describes an approach of detecting objects in images. For example, someone may wish to develop a technique to detect humans in 2D or 3D images. Others may expect to develop an approach to detect brain cancer areas in 2D or 3D MRI images. The proposed approach may be part of the learning, exercising or exploring tha...