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Leadership's role in managing business operations within an organization

Leadership plays a vital role in managing the business operation within an organization because depending on the effective leadership approach, the organization can significantly utilize its resources for improving its efficiency and achieving the goals (Shaturaev and Bekimbetova 2021). Effective leadership is not only important for achieving the organizational mission but also encouraging the people engagement towards the strategic objective it helps in driving the decision making process and organizational culture. The purpose of this study is to critically evaluate the readership management theories and that impact on Qatar Airwaysand BaldnaCompany.

Leaders make significant impact in terms of driving the company culture. By setting the agenda and prioritizing the work, the leaders focus towards providing the sense of vision and purpose among individuals. Leaders play greater impact in terms of leadership in the diverse workforce, which significantly contribute in achieving the professional and personal success. Considering the existing leadership practices within Qatar Airways and BaldnaCompany, it has been found that leadership approaches within these organizations make greater impact for influencing the operational activities (, 2022). Selection of appropriate leadership models is quite significant for Qatar Airways and Baldna companies because depending on the leadership models, the organizational direction towards achieving the job responsibilities get impacted. The contingency theory, transformational leadership theory, behavioral theory and situational leadership theories are being considered as the most common leadership theories those have higher impact on influencing the management activities.

Qatar Airways

Akbar Al Baker is the CEO of Qatar Airways, which was established in 1993 ( 2022). Considering the existing leadership practices within the organization, it has been found that with total 46684, the company is continuing its dedication towards improving its market operation and world class infrastructure.  The transformational leadership approach is quite relevant with the managerial activities within this organization, because within Qatar Airways team collaboration and team motivation will be needed for maintaining the customer service standard. The dominance of transformational leadership approach within the organization is being reflected through its innovation and collaborative approach. The CEO of Qatar Airways has concentrated towards analyzing the customer demand and during the covid-19 pandemic situation, following technological strength within the organization, the service standard and innovation have been maintained.

On the other hand, The implementation of contingency theory within Qatar Airways can allow the manager to propose significant regulatory framework to address the organizational circumstances (Vasilescu, 2019). By critically assessing the behavior of individuals, the behavioral leadership theory focuses towards presenting the management philosophy by improving the flexible adaptation ability among individuals. In current competitive business environment, Qatar Airways has made several changes in operation as per the market needs. The behavioral leadership style is quite significant for encouraging the change acceptance ability among individuals which can contribute in handling the upcoming technological and innovation changes. However, in comparison to the mentioned leadership the transformational leadership approach is most significant for ensuring high customer satisfaction standard and performance efficiency within the organization.

Baldna Company

On the other hand, in case of Baldna company, which is a popular name in dairy industry managers its group activities using the transformational leadership approach. Malcolm Jordan is the CEO of the organization and ensuring high customer satisfaction, the company is serving the Qatar dairy market following situational leadership approach. In order to promote flexibility in the managerial activities the situational leadership theory is quite effective because it generates comfortable work environment for the employees (Daniëls, Hondeghem and Dochy, 2019). Malcolm Jordanis the CEO of Baldna company, who aims to provide the flexibility in work place for providing confidence building abilities to the employees can adopt the situational leadership approach. Situational leadership helps in increasing awareness on the roles and responsibilities it contributes towards boosting the training routine (Northouse 2021). In terms of managing the recruitment process within this organizations, the situation leadership theory is quite relevant in terms of achieving the objectives. Leadership approach is quite effective in terms of achieving the short term goals.

The importance of effective leadership and its impact on organizational mission and culture

On the other hand, the contingency is specifically being designed for responding the managerial problems because it helps in providing` the significant direction to the managers. In case of Baldna Company, this particular theoretical approach can be considered for providing clear direction to the managers regarding business operations. On the other hand, behavioral theory and transformational leadership can also be effective to promote creativity and innovation within the organization. through the adoption of transformational leadership approach, the training needs within the organization can be boosted.

Analyze the Impact of Application of Leadership and Management Theories

Leaders play significant role for determining the effectiveness in management activities (Turnerand Baker,2018). In consideration to the aviation industry, it can be stated that depending on the effective implementation of transformational leadership approach, enabling the team collaboration, effective communication approach can be initiated by the companies. Utilization of transformational leadership model, proper utilization of organizational human resource can significantly help in improving customer service efficiency. Following management operation within Qatar Airways, the dominance of transformational leadership approach among the leaders has clearly reflected its performance efficiency. Analyzing the application of contingency leadership theory in relevance to the Qatar airways management activities, it has been found that several contemporary issues are being faced by the company in terms of continuing the service.

The application of contingency theory can significantly contribute in proposing suitable suggestion against the situation. This particular leadership theory mainly focuses on increasing the learning opportunities among employees in order to deal with specific situation (Lord et al. 2020). The application of contingency theory in the field of aviation industry can significantly influence the future of Management. The particular theoretical application can also contribute towards dealing with the external pressures as well as changes, which has become quite common in the aviation industry after globalization. As an example, it can be assumed that implementation of contingency theory within Qatar Airways can be reflected through its pandemic situation handling approach. Strong strategic move towards maintaining the safety standard within the workplace can be significantly linked with the particular theory.

Behavioral theory holds the therapy application in any situation associated with the management operation. It makes greater impact on the decision making process of the managers. Analyzing the application of behavioral theory in Qatar Airways, it can be stated that the application of this particular theory can make a greater impact on the supply chain management followed by the company (Lord et al. 2020). The particular theory has greater influence on Qatar Airways because it is a scientific method that can help in addressing the human dimension of work (Reis Neto, de Araújo and Avelar Ferreira, 2019). Managing the organizational conflict and expectation of the employees, this theoretical implementation is quite effective. Handling the group dynamics the particular theoretical application in Qatar Airways can contribute in improving the productivity (, 2022). In consideration to the implementation of behavioral theory in Qatar Airways, it can be stated that it can promote the sense of belonging among team members.

The significance of selecting appropriate leadership models for Qatar Airways and Baldna Company

The situational leadership approach has greater significance for building strong relationship between the leaders and the team members (Lee, Chenand Su2020). Following diversifying work culture, Qatar Airways tries to maintain corporate value and inclusion. Application of situational leadership approach can help in promoting better work environment. The particular leadership theory can be applied in the employee retention process. Depending on the effective reward and recognition technique the particular theory can be successful aligned with the reward and recognition approach initiated by the organization (Shaturaev and Bekimbetova, 2021). The implementation of situational leadership theory can be also linked with the Qatar Airways because it will improve the workplace culture and it will also improve problem solving approach. 

Considering the core value of QATAR NATIONAL BANK, it has been found that focusing on honesty, accountability, creativity, quality and heritage service, the organization aims to enhance the employee commitment (, 2022). Having prestigious image on the banking industry the organization always tries to maintain its excellence in the market. During the covid-19 pandemic, when the entire world has suffered due to the economic crisis, QATAR NATIONAL BANK introduced excellent covid-19 safety measures for continuing the operation (, 2022). Due to following the transformational leadership approach in the organization, it has made collaboration with the national and global opportunities in terms of understanding the latest advice and guidance(, 2022). Change acceptance ability among the employees has clearly reflected its collaborative work culture.Huge annual loss has been faced by the organization during the covid-19 pandemic situation; however, having strong innovative as well as resilient approach, the organization has concentrated towards focusing on the fundamental mission to provide excellent service to the customers. The organization introduced strong service portfolio to support the crisis situation (Daniëls, Hondeghemand Dochy, 2019). Continuing the operation, online banking services have been improved by the company. The transformational leadership style followed by the organization has significantly contributed in maintaining its excellence in the customer service. Similarly, in case of Qatar Airways, it has been found that transformational leadership approach is being followed within the nation that makes greater contribution in ensuring higher motivation in the workplace. Technological transformation has been introduced in the organization for ensuring effective monitoring of the operation. During pandemic situation, the company has maintained its consistency to ensure safety measures for achieving its fundamental mission (Vasilescu, 2019). In addition, transformational leadership is being reflected within Qatar Airways through its business innovation. New technological infrastructure along with creative operational approach are prominent in this organization.

On the other hand, Al Maha dairy is a Qatar based dairy and fruit juice factory that was established in the year 2015 follows autocratic leadership style(, 2022). In the analysis of the global dairy industry it has been found that all the particular industry has face study growth in past few years however growing complexity along with the uncertainty in the industry has become really challenging for the organization to survive. Additionally, high employee turnover along with the lack of skill among employees has created several complications(, 2022). Following the autocratic leadership approach, the management authority has established a chain of command in terms of maintaining the consistency within the organization. In terms of avoiding the market risk, the autocratic leadership approach has helped the managers to take crucial decisions.

Analyzing leadership approaches within Qatar Airways and Baldna Company

Therefore in the analysis of both the organizations it can be stated that both of these leadership style sake carrying significant value due to this relevance with the organizational situation. In comparison to the transformational and autocratic leadership styles it can be stated that the two leadership styles are totally different from each other. However, in both the cases each of the management styles have played significant role to deal with the specific organizational challenges.

Organizational culture makes a significant effect on all the aspects of business. It includes the employee benefit, strategic direction, supportive work environment and corporate value. Organizational culture significantly contributes in establishing high performance culture that results greater performance excellence (Northouse, 2021). Qatar national bank follows the significant responsibility towards promoting the ethical workplace culture and professionalism (, 2022).Leadership principle and business nature followed by the organization can be defined as major factors those have influenced the culture within the organization. The retention and selection process within the organization also influence the organizational culture. Promoting job opportunities for the employees, the organization has established equal opportunity for the potential candidates in terms of maintaining transparency and authenticity within the organizational culture (Kim, 2020). Organizational culture holds greater relevance with performance excellence. Innovation and creativity are the greatest strengths of Qatar national bank, which has made significant impact in terms of driving the performance outcomes in the organization. Utilizing the efficient human resources within the organization the company has successfully achieved its strategic objective during the complex business environmental situations (Novak, Breznikand Natek, 2020).

Following the Al Maha dairy organizational culture it has been found that the company follows a significant ideology and basic principles for establishing a strong business relationship (Zhang and Ma, 2021). The supportive culture is being promoted by the company for providing tractor work environment to the employees. The organizational value, policy and work ambience are also important factors associated with the organizational culture (Novak, Breznikand Natek, 2020). Truthfulness and integrity are major ideologies those have made greater significance in generating significant performance outcome within the company (de Camargo Fiorini et al. 2018). Similarly, in Qatar airways, the organizational value and employee management policies have been introduced. Strong intellectual as well as emotional commitment towards the employees has helped in generating greater team collaboration and quality among the employee. The company has proposed ethical framework to promote wellbeing and betterment in the workplace culture. Qatar airways has also promoted the equality approach for ensuring the right distribution of male and female employees to ensure the equal corporate value. Integrity has been promoted through team development and diversity approach within the organization.

Leadership is about motivating, enabling and influencing others towards making effort for generating effectiveness and success within the organization (Northouse, 2021). Organizational leadership of approach can be reflected in various ways at various times. The contingency perspective of leadership influences the greater flexibility as well as insightful nature of the leader (Turnerand Baker,2018). Having strong emotional intelligence, the particular leadership of throws concentrates towards representing the diagnosis against the circumstances faced by the organization.

Application of transformational leadership approach in Qatar Airways

The behavioral approach concentrates on representing the people oriented behavior that concentrates on representing mutual trust as well as respect among the subordinates (Lord et al. 2020). The particular leadership approach concentrates on demonstrating genuine concern for the support units in terms of addressing their needs. It also focuses on the presenting the task oriented leadership ability where promoting the equal opportunities for the employees, the behavior leadership approach helps in clarifying the work duties as well as pressure due to the employees. In the context of Qatar airways, it has been found that strong behavioral approach within the organization has helped in promoting support towards employees during the pandemic situation. Understanding the expectations of the stakeholders, the company can try to address the needs of the workforce, which can help in establishing the sustainable business approach. As an example of Qatar Airways, it has been found that it has helped in demonstrating the safety protocol within the pandemic situation. The impact of behavioral approach within the organization can also shape the disaster handling infrastructure within the organization.

Transformational leadership approach can be represented by combining the visionary approach and best qualities (Lee, Chenand Su,2020). Having strong coaching and encouraging ability the transformational leadership play a significant role in terms of rectifying the future of objectives of the organization. Ensuring the job satisfaction and promoting diverse organizational culture the transformational leader successfully establish impressive position in the organization (Reis Neto, de Araújo and Avelar Ferreira, 2019). Emotional intelligence and strong observation ability of the transformational leader help in improving the process of leadership within the organization.In the context of Qatar airlines, it has been found that the company has clearly reflected its transformational leadership has concentrated on managing the cost structure of the company. Implementing the transformational leadership approach, new initiatives have been taken by the company towards providing benefits to the employees during pandemic situation.


In the summary of above findings, it can be stated that leadership and management theories make greater impact in order to influence management activities within the organization. By critically examining the leadership approaches in Qatar Airways, the study has been designed for sharing in-depth understanding on thetheoretical application of those models. Therefore, the outcome of the report has summarized the implementation of different leadership and management theories in order to respond against different organizational situations in an efficient manner. Lastly, highlighting leadership as greater influencer in promoting organizational culture, the study has represented its significance for ensuring performance efficiency. 

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