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100 Political Science Research Topics in 2024

Table of Contents

Introduction to Politics Dissertation Topic

Have you ever wondered about the intricate relationship between political discourse and public opinion formation? In a democracy, public speeches play a crucial part in forming and framing public opinion. It is the art of delivering ideas and thoughts that help politicians manipulate the mass. 

This blog aims to provide an insightful introduction to the fascinating world of politics dissertation topics, focusing specifically on the influence of political discourse on public opinion formation. 

What will we do?

  • Explore the background and context of the study, 
  • Delve into the statement of the problem or research question, 
  • Discuss the objectives and significance of the research, 
  • Examine the scope and limitations of the study, and 
  • Provide an overview of the dissertation structure

Let us together set out on this intellectual journey as we unravel the complexities of political communication and its impact on our democratic processes.

Let us find out how to begin – 

Background and Context of the Study:

In this section, you will take your readers down the contextual lane. 


  • Provide a vivid picture of the background of your chosen topic. 
  • Discuss the importance of political discourse and its impact on public opinion formation within democratic societies. 
  • Highlight the significance of understanding the dynamics of political communication and its influence on decision-making processes. 
  • Provide relevant examples or instances to illustrate the relevance of the topic. 

For instance, mention the role of political discourse in shaping public opinion during recent elections or policy debates in your chosen countries. 

Statement of the Problem or Research Question:

  • Clearly state the problem or research question that your dissertation aims to address. 
  • Identify the gap in knowledge or the specific issue within the political discourse and public opinion formation that needs to be explored. 
  • Ensure the research question is specific, focused, and can be effectively investigated within the scope of your study.

For example, you could state the research question: “How do variations in political discourse styles and content contribute to differences in public opinion formation between Country X and Country Y?” 

Objectives and Significance of the Research:

In this section, outline your research objectives and explain their significance. 

  • What do you aim to achieve through your study? 
  • How will it contribute to existing knowledge or fill the identified research gap? 
  • Emphasise the potential implications of your research in advancing the understanding of democratic processes.

For instance, you could state that your objectives are to analyse the relationship between political discourse and public opinion formation, to examine the influence of distinct political cultures and historical contexts on discourse dynamics, and to provide insights for policymakers and political actors to enhance effective communication strategies. 

Scope and Limitations of the Study:

  • Explain why you have chosen these specific elements and justify their relevance. 
  • Discuss any limitations or constraints that may impact the generalizability or applicability of your findings.

Overview of the Dissertation Structure:

This section gives the reader a roadmap of what to expect and how the research will be organised.

  • Provide a brief overview of the framework of your work. 
  • Summarise the main chapters and their content. 

Literature Review 

The literature review is crucial in any dissertation, providing a comprehensive overview of the research and theories relevant to the chosen topic. In the context of this politics dissertation, the literature review, along with Dissertation Help, focuses on exploring the relationship between political discourse and public opinion formation. 

This section critically examines key theories, concepts, and empirical studies that shed light on this relationship, aiming to identify gaps, controversies, and unanswered questions within the field.

It provides the foundation for the study, offering a comprehensive understanding of the existing research landscape and guiding the development of a theoretical framework or conceptual model that will underpin the investigation into the influence of political discourse on public opinion formation.

Let us know more about composing exemplary literature reviews –

Review of relevant theories, concepts, and existing research:

  • Summarise the key theories and concepts related to political discourse and public opinion formation.
  • Include studies that have examined the influence of communication strategies, framing techniques, and rhetorical devices on public opinion formation.
  • Highlight the main findings and insights from the reviewed literature, emphasising their relevance to your research topic.
  • Use proper citations and references to credit the original authors and sources of the reviewed literature.

Identification of gaps or controversies in the literature:

  • Identify any gaps or limitations in the existing research that warrant further investigation.
  • Discuss areas where conflicting findings or theoretical disagreements exist.
  • Highlight any unanswered questions or unexplored political discourse and public opinion formation aspects.
  • Specify the specific research gap that your study aims to address and explain why it is important to fill that gap.

For example, you could identify a lack of studies examining the impact of political discourse on marginalised communities’ public opinion formation.

Theoretical framework or conceptual model for the study:

  • Propose a theoretical framework or conceptual model that will guide your research.
  • Integrate relevant theories, concepts, and empirical evidence from the literature into your framework.
  • Clearly define the key variables and their relationships within the framework.
  • Explain how your framework helps explain political discourse’s influence on public opinion formation.
Insights: 100 Political Science Topics 2024

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The methodology section of a politics dissertation is vital as it outlines the approach and methods employed to investigate the research question and achieve the study’s objectives. 

Let us break it further and comprehend from the depth of the subject – 

Research Design and Approach:

  • Clearly define the research objective and research questions to guide the study.
  • Choose a research design, justify it, and explain how it aligns with the objectives.
  • Outline the steps and procedures involved in implementing the research design.

Data Collection Methods:

  • Identify the data collection methods for addressing the research questions (e.g., surveys, interviews, observations, experiments).
  • Discuss how the chosen methods will gather relevant and reliable data to answer the research questions.
  • Address potential challenges or limitations associated with the data collection methods.

Sample Selection and Data Analysis Techniques:

  • Clearly define the target population and specify the sampling method used to select participants.
  • Justify the sample size and explain how it ensures adequate representation and statistical power.
  • Describe the data analysis techniques, such as statistical tests, content analysis, or thematic coding.
  • Explain how the data analysis techniques will help answer the research questions and test hypotheses.

Ethical Considerations and Limitations:

  • Address ethical considerations related to participant privacy, informed consent, and confidentiality.
  • Discuss any potential risks or harms associated with the research and how they will be mitigated.
  • Acknowledge any research design limitations, data collection methods, or analysis techniques.
  • Identify any potential biases or confounding factors that could influence the results.

Findings and Analysis 

The subsequent sections delve into the specific findings and analysis derived from the research study, providing a comprehensive exploration of the chosen topic within the realm of politics.

Presentation of the Empirical Findings or Analysis of Data:

  • Provide a transparent pen picture of the data extracted and analysed
  • Include relevant tables, charts, or graphs to present the data effectively.
  • Provide a comprehensive overview of the key findings or patterns identified in the data.

Interpretation and Discussion of the Results:

  • Interpret the findings in the context of the research question or hypothesis.
  • Discuss the significance and implications of the findings for the field of politics or the specific political phenomenon under investigation.
  • Explore any unexpected or contradictory results and offer potential explanations.
  • Identify any limitations or weaknesses of the findings and acknowledge areas for further research.

Comparison with Existing Literature and Theories:

  • Compare the findings with existing literature, theories, or previous research in the field.
  • Highlight areas of agreement, disagreement, or expansion upon existing knowledge.
  • Discuss how the current findings contribute to the existing literature or challenge established theories.
  • Identify gaps in the research study’s literature and provide recommendations for future research.
  • The study’s contribution to the field may involve providing empirical evidence to support or refine existing theories on the influence of social media on political engagement.

Example: In the social media and political participation study, the comparison with existing literature could involve discussing how the findings align with previous research that highlights the role of digital platforms in shaping political behaviours. The discussion could also address discrepancies or contradictions in the literature and propose potential explanations.

Substantial Evidence to Support the Research Question or Hypothesis:

  • Summarise the key findings that directly address the research question or hypothesis.
  • Highlight the strength and significance of the evidence gathered.
  • Discuss how the findings support or refute the initial research question or hypothesis.
  • Provide a cohesive argument supported by the empirical evidence to support the study’s main claims.
  • The analysis of the evidence should present a compelling case for the validity of the research question or hypothesis, supported by robust data analysis and interpretation.


The summarisation part of the dissertation provides an overall idea of the work done till now in this section. Let us find out how. 

Synthesis of the Findings and their Implications:

  • Identify the main patterns, trends, or relationships that emerged from the data.
  • Discuss the overall implications of the findings for the field of politics or the specific political phenomenon under investigation.
  • Provide a cohesive and comprehensive synthesis that integrates the findings into a coherent narrative.

Exploration of the Theoretical and Practical Implications of the Research:

  • Discuss how the research findings contribute to or challenge existing theories or frameworks.
  • Explore the theoretical implications of the research in terms of advancing knowledge in the field of politics.
  • Consider the potential impact of the research on policy-making, strategies, or interventions.

Example: In a study investigating the relationship between corruption and economic development, the theoretical implications could involve challenging traditional theories that argue corruption hinders economic growth. The findings suggest a more nuanced relationship, highlighting that certain types of corruption may have varying effects on economic development. The practical implications include designing targeted anti-corruption policies that address specific forms of corruption to promote sustainable economic growth.

Evaluation of the Research Limitations and Potential Biases:

  • Identify and discuss any limitations or weaknesses in the research design, data collection methods, or analysis techniques.
  • Acknowledge potential biases that may have influenced the findings or interpretations.
  • Discuss how these limitations or biases may have impacted the validity or generalizability of the research.
  • Provide recommendations or suggestions to mitigate or address these limitations in future studies.

Example: In a study examining gender representation in political leadership positions, limitations could include a small sample size that limits generalizability or the potential for self-reporting bias in survey responses. Biases may arise from social desirability bias, where participants provide responses that conform to societal expectations. Acknowledging these limitations and biases is crucial for interpreting the findings accurately and recognising areas for improvement in future research.

Suggestions for Future Research in the Field:

  • Identify gaps or unanswered questions that emerged from the current research study.
  • Offer suggestions for future research directions to explore the topic further or expand upon the findings.
  • Highlight potential avenues for refining methodologies, broadening sample populations, or incorporating different data collection methods.
  • Discuss how addressing these research gaps can contribute to a deeper understanding of the field or address real-world challenges.


Now its time to draw the underline; the best way to do it is –

Recap of the Research Objectives and Main Findings:

  • Begin by restating the research objectives and briefly summarising the main findings.
  • Highlight the key findings that directly address the research question or hypothesis.
  • Provide a concise overview of the empirical evidence and analysis that support these findings.

Example: In a study examining the influence of media framing on public opinion, the recap may state the research objective of investigating how media coverage shapes public perceptions of political issues. The main findings include identifying the impact of media framing on the public’s interpretation and evaluation of political events, as evidenced by significant shifts in opinion after exposure to different frames.

Summary of the Contributions and Significance of the Research:

  • Summarise the contributions that the research study makes to the field of politics.
  • Highlight how the findings fill gaps in existing knowledge or challenge established theories.
  • Emphasise the significance of the research in advancing understanding or addressing real-world challenges.

Implications for Policy, Practice, or Further Academic Study:

  • Discuss the practical implications of the findings for policymakers, practitioners, or relevant stakeholders.
  • Explore how the research findings can be applied to improve policies, strategies, or interventions.
  • Identify potential areas for further academic study that arise from the current research.

Final Thoughts and Recommendations:

  • Provide a concise summary of the key points discussed in the section.
  • Offer final thoughts on the broader significance and implications of the research.
  • Provide recommendations for future research directions or areas that warrant further investigation.

List of Political Science Dissertation Topics

International Relations Political Science Dissertation Topics 

  • The Power Politics of International Trade Agreements: Analysing the Role of Major Powers
  • The Effectiveness of Multilateral Diplomacy in Conflict Resolution: A Comparative Analysis
  • Cybersecurity and International Relations: Assessing the Challenges and Implications
  • Human Rights and State Sovereignty: Examining the Tensions and Dilemmas
  • The Dynamics of Ethnic Conflicts and Their Implications for State-Building in Post-Conflict Societies
  • The Role of Soft Power in International Relations: Case Studies from East Asia
  • Regional Integration and Security Cooperation: Lessons from the European Union and ASEAN
  • The Impact of Social Media on Political Mobilization and Activism in Authoritarian Regimes
  • The Role of International Law in Regulating Cyber Warfare and Protecting Critical Infrastructure

Political Science Philosophy Dissertation Topics 

  • The Concept of Democracy: Exploring Different Philosophical Perspectives and Their Implications for Political Systems
  • Political Legitimacy and Consent: A Critical Examination of the Social Contract Theory
  • The Ethics of Political Leadership: Assessing the Moral Responsibilities and Accountability of Political Leaders
  • Power and Justice in Political Philosophy: Analysing the Relationship and Implications for Political Systems
  • The Role of Civil Disobedience in Democratic Societies: A Philosophical Analysis
  • Human Rights and Political Philosophy: Evaluating the Foundations and Universalism vs Relativism Debate
  • The Ethics of Political Violence: Examining Just War Theory and the Legitimacy of State Violence
  • Political Equality and Distributive Justice: Exploring the Challenges and Philosophical Approaches
  • Deliberative Democracy: Evaluating the Role of Reason and Discourse in Democratic Decision-Making
  • Liberalism, Communitarianism, and the Public/Private Divide: Reconciling Individual Rights and Collective Values
  • Postcolonial Political Theory: Decolonizing Political Philosophy and Addressing Global Power Imbalances
  • Feminist Political Philosophy: Analysing Gender, Power, and Intersectionality in Political Theory
  • The Ethics of Global Governance: Assessing the Responsibilities and Limitations of International Institutions
  • Republicanism and the Common Good: Examining the Role of Virtue and Civic Engagement in Political Philosophy
  • Environmental Ethics and Political Philosophy: Exploring the Intersection of Ecology, Justice, and Political Systems

US Foreign Policy Dissertation Topics

  • The Evolution of US Foreign Policy Towards China: From Engagement to Competition
  • The Role of Domestic Politics in US Foreign Policy Decision-Making
  • US Foreign Policy and the Middle East: Analysing the Impacts of Intervention and Regional Dynamics
  • The Influence of Lobbying and Interest Groups on US Foreign Policy
  • Human Rights and US Foreign Policy: Examining the Promotion and Implementation of Human Rights Principles
  • The Impact of Economic Interests on US Trade Policy: Case Studies of Key Trade Agreements
  • US Counterterrorism Policy in the Post-9/11 Era: Evaluating Effectiveness and Consequences
  • US Foreign Aid Policy: Assessing Objectives, Priorities, and Impacts on Global Development
  • Climate Change and US Foreign Policy: Analysing Approaches, Challenges, and Implications
  • US Policy towards North Korea: Assessing the Successes and Failures of Engagement and Denuclearisation Efforts
  • The Influence of Public Opinion on US Foreign Policy Decision-Making
  • US Relations with Latin America: Exploring Continuities, Shifts, and Challenges in Policy
  • Cybersecurity and US Foreign Policy: Analysing Strategies and Responses to Cyber Threats
  • The Role of Intelligence in US Foreign Policy: Assessing the Intelligence-Decision-Making Nexus
  • US Military Interventions: Evaluating Rationales, Justifications, and Outcomes

Best Political Economy Dissertation Topics

  • The Impact of Globalization on Income Inequality: A Cross-Country Analysis
  • Political Economy of Development Aid: Assessing the Effectiveness and Challenges in Promoting Economic Growth
  • The Role of Institutions in Economic Development: A Comparative Study
  • Political Economy of Natural Resource Extraction: Analysing the Resource Curse Phenomenon
  • The Political Economy of Trade Protectionism: Examining the Motivations and Consequences
  • Financial Crises and Political Economy: Analysing the Causes, Responses, and Policy Implications
  • Inequality and Political Instability: Exploring the Linkages and Feedback Mechanisms
  • Political Economy of Corruption: Assessing its Impact on Economic Development and Governance
  • The Role of Ideology in Shaping Economic Policies: A Comparative Analysis
  • Labour Market Policies and Economic Performance: Evaluating the Impacts and Trade-offs
  • Political Economy of Taxation: Examining the Design and Distributional Implications
  • Global Governance and Economic Interdependence: Analysing the Role of International Institutions
  • Technological Innovation and Economic Growth: Exploring the Political Economy Dynamics
  • Political Economy of Environmental Sustainability: Balancing Economic Development and Ecological Constraints
  • The Political Economy of Economic Integration: Assessing the Implications of Regional Trade Agreements

9/11 Political Dissertation Topics

  • The Impact of 9/11 on US Foreign Policy: Assessing Continuities, Shifts, and Consequences
  • The Role of Intelligence Agencies in Preventing and Responding to Terrorism Post-9/11
  • The Politics of Fear: Examining the Influence of 9/11 on National Security Policies and Civil Liberties
  • The Global War on Terror: Analysing the Rationale, Strategies, and Impacts
  • 9/11 and its Effects on Muslim Communities in Western Countries: Assessing Integration, Discrimination, and Identity
  • The Role of Media in Shaping Public Opinion and Discourse on Terrorism Post-9/11
  • The Rise of Extremist Movements in the Aftermath of 9/11: Understanding the Root Causes and Dynamics
  • Counterterrorism Measures and Human Rights: Balancing Security and Civil Liberties
  • The Impact of 9/11 on International Relations and Global Security Paradigms
  • The Role of Non-State Actors in the Post-9/11 Security Landscape

UK Foreign Policy Political Dissertation Topics

  • The Evolution of UK-EU Relations: Analysing the Implications of Brexit on UK Foreign Policy
  • The Special Relationship: Assessing the Dynamics and Significance of UK-US Relations
  • UK Foreign Policy and the Middle East: Examining the Engagement, Interests, and Challenges
  • The Role of Soft Power in UK Foreign Policy: Evaluating Cultural Diplomacy and Public Diplomacy Initiatives
  • The Impact of Devolution on UK Foreign Policy: Case Studies of Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland
  • UK Aid Policy: Assessing Objectives, Priorities, and Impacts on Global Development
  • The Role of the UK in Multilateral Institutions: Analysing its Influence and Contributions
  • The Politics of Nuclear Disarmament: Evaluating UK’s Stance and Policy Choices
  • UK Foreign Policy and Climate Change: Assessing Approaches, Commitments, and Implementation
  • The Influence of Domestic Politics on UK Foreign Policy Decision-Making

Political Economy Dissertation Topics

  • The Political Economy of Income Inequality: Analysing Causes, Consequences, and Policy Responses
  • Globalisation and Its Impact on National Economies: Evaluating Winners and Losers
  • The Role of Institutions in Shaping Economic Development and Growth
  • Political Economy of Financial Crises: Analysing Causes, Responses, and Regulatory Reforms
  • The Impact of Trade Liberalization on Domestic Industries and Labor Markets
  • The Politics of Economic Reforms: Analysing Resistance, Implementation Challenges, and Outcomes
  • Political Economy of Resource Curse: Examining the Relationship between Natural Resource Wealth and Economic Development
  • The Role of Political Parties in Economic Policy-Making and Reform Processes
  • The Political Economy of Technological Innovation and Digital Transformation
  • Economic Incentives and Environmental Sustainability: Balancing Growth and Conservation

Political Theorists Dissertation Topics

  • The Contributions of John Locke to Modern Political Thought: Assessing the Influence and Relevance
  • Feminist Political Theory: Analysing the Works of Key Thinkers and Their Contributions to Gender Politics
  • The Concept of Power in the Works of Michel Foucault: A Critical Examination
  • The Political Philosophy of Karl Marx: Revisiting Class Struggle, Capitalism, and Socialism
  • Liberalism and Its Critics: Evaluating the Arguments of Thinkers like John Rawls and Robert Nozick
  • Hannah Arendt and the Concept of Political Action: Exploring Freedom, Plurality, and Citizenship
  • Postcolonial Political Theory: Analysing the Works of Frantz Fanon, Edward Said, and Homi Bhabha
  • The Ethics of Care and its Application to Political Theory: Examining the Contributions of Nel Noddings and Carol Gilligan
  • The Political Thought of Jean-Jacques Rousseau: Assessing the Social Contract, General Will, and Republicanism
  • Critical Race Theory and Political Theory: Analysing the Intersection of Race, Power, and Politics

Political Science Research Topics on Conflict Resolution

  • Mediation and Conflict Resolution: Assessing the Effectiveness of Third-Party Intervention
  • Power-Sharing Mechanisms in Divided Societies: Analysing their Impacts on Conflict Resolution
  • Truth and Reconciliation Commissions: Evaluating their Role in Post-Conflict Societies
  • Negotiation Strategies and Techniques in Conflict Resolution: Case Studies and Comparative Analysis
  • Track II Diplomacy: Exploring the Contributions of Non-Official Actors in Peace Processes
  • The Role of International Law in Conflict Resolution: Examining its Effectiveness and Limitations
  • Transitional Justice and Conflict Resolution: Assessing the Impacts of Accountability and Redress Mechanisms
  • The Politics of Ethnic Identity in Conflict and Resolution: Analysing the Dynamics and Challenges
  • The Role of Gender in Conflict Resolution: Exploring Women’s Participation and Perspectives
  • Post-Conflict State-Building and Governance: Analysing Challenges and Best Practices

Chinese Politics Dissertation Topics

  • The Chinese Communist Party’s Governance and Political System: Analysing Continuity and Change
  • China’s Belt and Road Initiative: Assessing its Motivations, Impacts, and Challenges
  • Political Centralisation and Decentralisation in China: Examining the Dynamics and Implications
  • The Role of the Chinese Military in Politics and National Security Decision-Making
  • China’s Economic Reforms and their Political Consequences: Evaluating the Challenges and Achievements
  • Political Leadership in China: Analysing the Succession Process and Dynamics of Power
  • Chinese Foreign Policy and Global Engagement: Assessing Objectives, Strategies, and Impacts
  • Social Movements and Political Activism in Contemporary China: Exploring Dynamics and State Responses
  • Ethnic Minorities and Political Integration in China: Examining Policies and Challenges
  • The Chinese Model of Development: Evaluating its Viability and Implications for Global Governance

Jacob Thompson

Hi, my name is Jacob Thompson. I am a PhD in English Literature, I started writing and blogging from a young age, and most of my write-ups are based on real experiences. As far as my blogs are concerned, I write blogs on English writing and Literature writing. I have been working part-time as a writing expert for for 7+years now. Helping students overcome English writing hurdles and get steps closer to their academic goals makes me as happy as playing with my kitty “Alice”. Yes, I am a cat-lover if you are still wondering! 

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