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Disadvantages of the Greenhouse Effect

Have you ever seen a greenhouse in real life?

These are glass structures within which plants grow. Now, why can’t these plants grow in the wild like others? Well, some plants require a certain temperature that is impossible to maintain in cold regions. So it’s impossible for them to grow in the wild.

Now, the glass walls of a greenhouse trap the sun’s heat within itself, thus creating a warmer environment inside. This makes it easier for plants to grow.

Certain gases play the role of the glass in a greenhouse. They trap the warmth of the sun. These gases include the following –

  • Water vapor
  • Methane
  • Carbon dioxide
  • Ozone
  • Nitrous oxide

Now, as mentioned before, one of the significant effects of greenhouse effect is heat-trapping. This effect is absolutely essential for the survival of life on Earth.

After all, if the Earth’s heat dissipates into outer space, you’re going to have to deal with -20 degrees Celsius temperatures at all times. Such temperatures cannot support plant life, and if plants cannot survive, so can’t human beings or any lifeform.

There’s no issue when greenhouse gases are present in our atmosphere in normal amounts. However, when this amount increases, it leads to the enhanced greenhouse effect.

The consequences of greenhouse effect in its enhanced form are quite horrific and do not bode well for the future of humankind. Search up “What are the disadvantages of greenhouse effect?”, and you’ll find issues like –

  • Increased respiratory diseases
  • Increased smog and air pollution
  • Extreme weather conditions
  • Increased wildfires

When the greenhouse effect occurs in its natural state, such disasters aren’t common. However, in an enhanced state, the trapping of heat becomes more than necessary and increases the overall temperature of the Earth.

As you continue reading this blog, you’ll learn more about this phenomenon in greater detail.

Understanding the Enhanced Greenhouse Effect

You should already have an inkling of what the enhanced greenhouse effect is about just by the name. It denotes the phenomenon where the greenhouse effect that’s supposed to occur naturally on Earth increases because of human activities.

Now, the most natural question that you might ask is, “How are humans impacting the greenhouse effect?”

Well, if you want a quick reality check, then the United States Environmental Protection Agency has a report that might interest you. According to this report, the emission of greenhouse gases increased by 5.7% from 2020 to 2022.

It’s ironic that the increased emissions took a break during 2020 when the global pandemic forced people to stay at home. Thanks to the global lockdowns, people didn’t venture out. Thus, there were no increased carbon dioxide emissions. Instead, only the natural greenhouse effect took place.

This begs the question, “What’s the difference between natural and enhanced greenhouse effect?” Well, here’s your answer:

 Natural Greenhouse EffectEnhanced Greenhouse Effect
Reason for OccurrenceNatural presence of greenhouse gases in the atmosphereHuman activities that lead to high concentrations of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere
EffectsKeeps the Earth warm and helps in the sustenance of lifeLeads to adverse effects like global warming and extreme weather conditions

As you proceed further in this blog, you’ll get the answers to burning questions like –

  • How does the greenhouse effect contribute to climate change?
  • What are the long-term effects of increased temperatures on Earth?
  • What are the consequences of greenhouse effecton human life?

So, let’s continue reading to get closer to the answers. 

Negative Impacts on the Environment

Global Warming:

The Industrial Revolution might have propelled humankind to all sorts of advancements, but it has had a significant negative impact on Earth. Before the Industrial Revolution, people didn’t have to worry about summers being so scorching that they would think twice before going out in the afternoon. Unfortunately, that’s the reality in the 21st century.

So, let’s answer the question – “How does the greenhouse effect cause global warming?”

Thanks to the burning of fossil fuels, oil, and coal, the usual concentrations of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere have increased. Since these gases are trapping more heat, the heat that is supposed to dissipate from the Earth’s surface has also decreased, leading to rising temperatures that people have termed “global warming.”

Why are people so worried about these rising temperatures? You have to deal with warmer summers – is it really that bad? Why are scientists so hell-bent on getting the world governments to take global warming seriously?

Here’s a brief glimpse at the long-term impact of greenhouse effect on environment that should answer this question –

  • Increased duration of intensified heatwaves
  • Loss of biodiversity due to extinction of species
  • Decreased snowpack in western mountains of North America
  • Increased frequencies of coastal flooding
  • Lack of availability of drinking water
  • Low yields from rain-fed agriculture

All of these issues pose a threat to the very existence of human beings on Earth.

Rising Sea Levels:

One of the major greenhouse effect consequences is a rise in sea levels across the world. Let’s understand why that happens. Can you imagine what’s going to happen when the global temperature rises, leading to the melting of ice caps?

The melted ice water isn’t going to disappear into thin air. It’s going to become a part of the sea and then cause an increase in the sea level. Furthermore, the sea levels are also rising due to the volume of water expanding due to it being warmed up more.

There is documented evidence that the mean sea level has risen to about 8-9 inches since 1880. It’s no wonder that the rising sea level is considered one of the more impactful disadvantages of greenhouse effect because of how it impacts the coastal communities and ecosystems.

Impact on Coastal Communities –

  • Intense rains
  • Coastal flooding
  • Severe storms and hurricanes
  • Saltwater intrusion
  • Risk to coastal buildings

Impact on Ecosystems –

  • Loss of habitats like marshes and mudflats
  • Risk in the existence of shore-nesting birds
  • Loss of reefs, small islands, and atolls
  • Loss of breeding colonies for the Great Frigatebird
  • Loss of nurseries for nurseries for pelagic fish

The endangerment of several natural habitats and the risk of the extinction of various species can disbalance the entire ecosystem.

Extreme Weather Events:

If you’re getting warning for impending storms and hurricanes more frequently than before, it’s all because of the harmful effects of greenhouse effect. Extreme heatwaves, droughts, uncontrolled wildfires, storms – all of these are a direct result of the warming temperatures across the world. Let’s find out the relation between these extreme weather conditions and rising temperatures.

I. Intense Hurricanes

Scientists have already predicted that hurricanes are about to get more intense due to the following reasons –

  • Hurricanes draw their power from warm waters. Due to global warming, seawater temperatures have risen, leading to more intense storms.
  • Rising sea water levels have intensified the impact of hurricanes due to the increased risk of coastal flooding.
  • Certain changes in the atmosphere have led to hurricanes moving more slowly than before. As a result, the coastal regions get more rainfall and high winds than before.

Hurricane Katrina, which devastated New Orleans, Florida, and its neighboring areas in August of 2005, was a Category 5 hurricane that resulted in over 1300 fatalities.

More recently, the 2022 Hurricane Fiona devasted Puerto Rico, disrupting power systems and water supplies for days.

II. Increased Instances of Flooding

The sea level is rising across the world because of the following reasons –

  • Warmer water expands the water volume
  • Warmer temperatures are melting ice caps and snow

Naturally, the rising sea water levels have increased flooding in the Gulf of Mexico and the Atlantic coast of the United States.

III. Persisting Drought Conditions

Rainfall can only happen when there is moisture in the atmosphere. However, if the temperature reaches a point where this moisture dries up, you can’t really expect normal levels of rainfall anymore, can you? The higher the temperatures become, the greater the chances of drought conditions persisting.

You can always check the National Drought Status if you want to assess how persisting drought conditions across the US is one of the negative effects of greenhouse effect. Currently, severe drought conditions are persisting in West Virginia, Georgia, and several other locations.

Impact on Biodiversity:

The entire balance of the ecosystem goes up for a toss when temperatures rise above normal levels. Here’s a closer look at how biodiversity takes a hit due to the impact of greenhouse effect on environment.

I. Change in Species Population

Care to guess what’s going to happen to human beings if the temperature on Earth somehow reaches 100 degrees Celsius? No one’s going to survive those temperatures, no matter how many air conditioners they install in their homes.

Well, the same goes for the wildlife.

The species that can adapt to the changing temperatures are the ones that survive, while those that can’t have no option but to perish. That’s how the Bramble Cay melomys, which were native to Bramble Cay in the Great Barrier Reef, recently went extinct due to rising sea levels.

II. Loss of Habitat

Natural habitats for plants and animals have begun to shrink and almost disappear across the globe due to a variety of reasons –

  • Intense storms destroy nesting trees.
  • Invasive species spread and destroy native species.
  • Rising ocean temperatures lead to coral reef bleaching.
  • The melting of polar ice caps reduces the habitat areas of polar bears.

If this situation isn’t addressed ASAP, then the negative effects of greenhouse effect will continue to wreak havoc on biodiversity. 

Ocean Acidification:

Oceans naturally absorb carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. When this level of carbon dioxide increases due to human activities, oceans absorb more, leading to increased acidification. This is one of the major greenhouse effect consequences that impacts marine life significantly –

  • The shells and skeletons made by corals and oysters begin to dissolve due to higher acid concentrations in water.
  • It becomes difficult for clownfish and other species to detect predators in acidic waters.
  • Larval clownfish cannot detect suitable habitats due to increased ocean acidification.

Now, you can’t end this discussion without highlighting the impact of ocean acidification on coral reefs. Reef calcifiers build large calcium carbonate structures. These structures offer food and shelter to a wide variety of marine creatures. However, when acid levels increase, the calcification rates also decrease, which results in decreased reef growth. Reefs easily get dissolved or eroded, and this lowers the mortality for those directly dependent on these reefs for survival. The National Academies Press has already released an extensive study on the effects of ocean acidification if you’d like to learn more about this in greater detail.

Health and Societal Impacts

Human Health Risks:

The negative effects of greenhouse effect have a direct and indirect relation to human health risks. If you consider the direct effects, then the long heatwave durations, increased sea levels, and intense hurricanes lead to the loss of human lives.

What about the indirect consequences?

Well, the National Institutes of Health has already published a study linking extreme heat conditions to cardiovascular deaths. Even if you ignore the study, you can’t deny that the quality of air has continued to decrease over the years. Surely, this decreased air quality is going to have consequences like increased respiratory diseases.

Other major issues that scientists have highlighted over the years include the following –

  • Increased water-borne illnesses due to rise in precipitation and sea temperature
  • Increased chances of contracting infectious diseases due to the changing behavior of insects and other disease-borne species
  • Increased chances of being exposed to contaminated food due to climate change affecting food safety

If someone has pre-existing health conditions and low immunity, then they are at greater risk of developing life-threatening diseases like cancer due to persistent inflammation in the body. So, just because you feel fine doesn’t mean another person isn’t suffering the consequences of greenhouse effect.

Economic Consequences:

Dartmouth has already released a detailed study on the economic impact of greenhouse gas emissions. However, if you want a more condensed version of the answer to the question – “What are the consequences of greenhouse effect on the economy of a country?” then review the following points –

  • Rebuilding infrastructure after a natural disaster incurs huge costs.
  • Economic slowdown occurs due to the disruption of businesses after hurricanes and flooding.
  • Transport networks collapse due to the destruction of bridges and flooded roads.
  • Government debt increases while trying to provide relief for citizens.
  • The country’s GDP declines and stock market prices fall after a disaster.
  • Growing drought conditions increase crop prices, which affects the microeconomics of a country.
  • Increased costs for healthcare due to worsening air conditions.

Mitigating the negative effects of climate change is a costly affair, something that most countries cannot afford without permanently damaging their economy. Perhaps that’s why global leaders are dragging their feet to fight climate change.

Contributing Factors and Human Impact

Human Activities:

You’ve covered most of this blog assessing the negative impact of greenhouse effect on human beings, plant and animal life, and the entire ecosystem that sustains life on Earth.

Who’s to blame for this mess?

Well, the answer is human beings themselves.

If you’re wondering, “How are humans impacting the greenhouse effect?” then take a look at the following points –

  • Burning fossil fuels– The rate of burning fossil fuels has been increasing ever since the Industrial Revolution, leading to increased levels of carbon dioxide and nitrous oxide in the atmosphere.
  • Using fertilizers– Fertilizers that contain high amounts of nitrogen increase the emissions of nitrous oxide in the atmosphere, thus creating a disbalance.
  • Cutting down trees– Trees are natural absorbers of carbon dioxide because they need to photosynthesize to survive. However, when human beings cut down entire forests just to develop a new township project, they are essentially causing a direct increase of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.
  • Increasing livestock farming– As human beings rear more livestock to boost their profits, they forget that these animals release methane while digesting their food. This naturally leads to an increase of methane gas in the atmosphere.

Now, when you look for answers to the question – “How does the greenhouse effect cause global warming?” you’ll always notice that human contributions make up 99% of the reasons for rising global temperatures. However, natural phenomena, such as the ones mentioned below, also have a part to play in climate change.

  • Solar radiations
  • Volcanic eruptions
  • Tectonic shifts
  • Orbital changes

All of these are also responsible for climate change, though their contributions pale in comparison to that of human beings.

In conclusion,

It comes as no surprise that the consequences of greenhouse effect do not bode well for human beings. Smaller lifeforms have already started going extinct due to rising temperatures, increased sea levels, and ocean acidification. As you study more and more about the disadvantages of greenhouse effect, you realize that it’s not long before human beings will find themselves on the verge of extinction as well if the world leaders don’t get together to address this situation more actively.

If you’d like to know about how the harmful effects of greenhouse effect can have long-term consequences, you can reach out to our experts at MyAssignmentHelp. We’ll help you find more research materials and provide comprehensive details on the latest studies on this subject. 

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What happens to global temperatures due to the enhanced greenhouse effect?

Enhanced greenhouse effect means that the levels of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere are more than the normal amount. As a result, these gases trap more heat and cause global temperatures to rise.

2. Which is the most dangerous greenhouse gas?

Many consider carbon dioxide to be the most dangerous greenhouse gas right now because of its high concentration in the atmosphere. This is a direct result of the increased burning of fossil fuels.

3. What can human beings do to mitigate the consequences of greenhouse effect?

Human beings can take the following steps to reduce the negative effects of greenhouse effect –

  • Take public transportation instead of a private car.
  • Use bioplastics instead of normal plastics.
  • Reduce the amount of household waste.
  • Plant a tree every year for every tree cut down.

4. Is the greenhouse effect different from global warming?

The greenhouse effect is the process in which greenhouse gases trap the sun’s heat and prevent it from escaping the Earth’s atmosphere. This is important for the survival of lifeforms on Earth by keeping temperatures at optimal levels. However, global warming denotes the abnormal increase of Earth’s temperature because of the excessive presence of greenhouse gases due to human activity.

Hi, I am Mark, a Literature writer by profession. Fueled by a lifelong passion for Literature, story, and creative expression, I went on to get a PhD in creative writing. Over all these years, my passion has helped me manage a publication of my write ups in prominent websites and e-magazines. I have also been working part-time as a writing expert for for 5+ years now. It’s fun to guide students on academic write ups and bag those top grades like a pro. Apart from my professional life, I am a big-time foodie and travel enthusiast in my personal life. So, when I am not working, I am probably travelling places to try regional delicacies and sharing my experiences with people through my blog. 

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