Using PSpice/MultiSim simulator, design diode circuits and extract parameters:
Calculate I-V characteristics for a Si diode under forward bias (0-3V, step 0.005V) with saturation current Is=2 10-6A, ideal factor n=1.75 and series resistance Rs=0.1 Ohm.
For a diode evaluation model 1N1204C* (or similar), design a circuit to measure current under forward bias 0-3 V with step 0.01 V. Plot data as log I versus V; using your graph, find the diode ideal factor, built-in shunt and series resistors. Compare with (1) by plotting 1-2 data [I(V)] on the same graph.
For the same diode evaluation model, design a circuit to measure current under reverse bias from 0 V to 20 V (step 0.1V) at 5 different temperatures (-70C, -10C, 0C, 20C, 80C). Using your data, find current temperature dependence (current vs temperature) at reverse bias V = 15 V. Plot log [abs (I)] versus V (one graph for all temperatures) and ln I vs 1/T(K); find if data can be fitted as . Find the value of EC-EF and explain your results in terms of the Fermi energy level position within the p-n junction depletion region under reverse bias.
Using the same model, design an equivalent circuit for a solar cell with Jsc=32 mA/cm2. Plot I-V curve (0<V<Voc), find Voc and calculate the diode fill factor with …
(a) 0 Ohm series resistor (RS=0) and infinite shunt resistor (Rsh),
(b) series resistor RS = 8 Ohm and infinite shunt resistor,
(c) series resistor (RS=0) and shunt resistor Rsh = 1k Ohm (see notes).
(d) assuming that solar radiation intensity I sol =100 mW/cm2 and the solar cell area is 1 cm2, calculate solar cell conversion efficiency for (a), (b) and (c).