AssumptionWrite a Report Demonstrate Queries On The Database. Technology Stack Linux Apache, Mysql, Php i Have Been Tasked With Reverse Engineering a Web Based Relational Database For Commercial Accommodation Booking. is world’s one of the most popular platform for ticket booking, hotel booking, flight ticket, rent taxies on the airport. The aim of this assignment to design the probable database of this website. To...
Business Rules1. Show Current Price Of Apple For All Exchanges 2. Show Maximum Price Of a Share In Usa Market 3. Show Minimum Price For Apple For All Data (From All Exchanges) 4. Find Broker Who Has Maximum Number Of Appointments 5. Find Customer Which Booked The Maximum Number Of Appointments 6. Show All Uk Stocks Having Price Higher Than Average For Asian Market Today 7. Show All Stocks Having ...
BackgroundData Analytics/Fundamentals of Data Analytics Student Name: Date: 1stApril 2021 1. BACKGROUND The purpose of this assignment is to implement the data distance techniques and the Association Rules Mining using the Apriori and FP-Growth algorithms for the frequent item sets. 2. QUESTIONS Question 1: (20points) Given two objects represented by two tuples: Tuple 1is your date of birth in the format (first digit Year, last digit Year, MM, D...
Page 1 of 15 [1589] Arden University é reserves all rights of copyright and all other intellectual property rights in the learning materials and this publication. N o part of any of the learning materials or this publication may be reproduced, shared (including in private social med ia groups), stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or means, including without limitation electronic, mechanica...
ScenarioRetail4profit is expanding business lines and strategy and as an online e-commerce company established ten years ago, the aim of the business is to make profit. The aim of the company is to ensure quality services to its customers. It has grown over the years into a company with a turnover of £50 million. The company is headquartered in london, where the company was originally founded, with regional offices across the cou...
Task 1: Develop Data Model1. Read the requirements carefully and identify the purpose of this database, and draw a list of use cases (this is pretty much already given to you in the requirements). 2. As you develop your data model, note any assumption you make and any question you have for your client. 3. Develop a data model for Eye Candy Cinemas from all the information given above. The EntityRelationship Diagram is to include: the entiti...
DescriptionThe goal is develop a database for the Wedgewood Pacific Corporation using MS SQL Server. 1. In MS SQL Server, create a new database called Wpc. 2. Create the Department and Employee tables shown below along with the Project and Assignment tables shown on the next page, and set the relationships between the tables explained below: A. To set a column to be a Primary Key, right-click on the column name (while in the design mode) and ...
Service Ticket System OverviewJim has just taken the position of the Director of the IT department. Understanding that the top priority of his position is to provide quality IT services to internal employees, he wants to digitize IT services by first adopting an IT Service Ticket system (STS) to manage service requests and keep track of service quality. Currently, the IT department offers support services (e.g., installation, setup, upgrade, ...
Query 1The Queries â Using the Rousseauâs Furniture database that we will put together during class time. Write a single statement for each query requested below. Include helpful comments. Remember to verify the result of your query is the correct result! Query 1Write a select statement that will list a customer's company name, their first and last names and their city in that order. Only include customer...
Student List MetadataYou asked several different employees (developers and architects--to walk you through the data provided) and you created a matrix of information (meta-data) about the data from the spreadsheets. The student id is school specific. We have no control over how this ID is created or what it looks like. For some schools, this value might be numeric, but for others there is a good chance that it will contain string data. Dif...
Table Creation and Loadinga) Provide (see submission area) the Create statements for tables Doctor, Patient and Appointment with appropriate primary and foreign keys. b) Develop tables in Oracle and load the data, provide table structure and content (see submission) provide table content and table structure of each table All queries MUST be based SOLELY on the information provided and each question must use a SINGLE query . No views...
Unit Learning Outcomes Assessed.Assignment Task (100%): Â This is an individual assignment. Choose a business process that is performed by an organisation, such as Automating a technical support system (Help Desk) Booking a seat at a theatre Buying a car insurance policy For your chosen process: Briefly describe the business process that you selected and its functionality. Construct a Data Flow Diagrams (DFD) for it. C...
Current SituationYour team has joined a chain of national Health Care provider in New Zealand called ?HCareNZ?. The company runs health centers across the country and provides valuable services with their customers. At the time of your appointment, the company was going through the process of evaluating cloud computing and has decided to move their technology infrastructure, platforms, data, and software applications to the cloud. However, the...
Part 1: Database DesignAs reported by the BBC, women are still severely underrepresented in public statues in the UK. The Public Statues and Sculpture Association lists 122 public statues of women. The WikiData knowledge base only lists 98 items described as statues of women in the UK, but many are not geolocated – i.e., the precise latitude and longitude of the location are not available. The Assignment_1--Statues-Wikidata.csv datase...
Undertake Analysis and Clarify Business Rules and Constraints for YAHUASAssignment Brief This module will equip students with the database system skills, knowledge and techniques that will enable them to work effectively in a commercial environment. The module will consider the problems and decisions that face database designers and administrators and provide strategies that will enable their resolution.Students will develop a detailed know...