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Problem statement

The agreement in between Israel as well as the United Arab Emirate makes a commitment of establishing normal relations in between the two nations. This comprises of the relations of business, tourism, direct flights, scientific cooperation as well as in time, complete diplomatic ties at level of ambassadorial. Israel as well as UAE has been moving towards normalization in the current years. In the year 2015, a diplomatic office was opened through Israel in the Emirati Capital of Abu Dhabi to the global renewable energy agency, senior officials of Israel have visited Abu Dhabi, the athletes of Israel have taken part in the regional competitions in the UAE and Israel is set to take part in Dubai’s World Export 2020, that is now scheduled to open in October 2021 because of the pandemic of Corona virus (Rahman, Omar). One of the main reasons behind the conflict is the disagreement in between both the nations over territory as well as the unyielding positions which both the sides have taken over the problem. The following report examines the importance of the pact in between UAE-Israel in a changing Middle East.

The relations in between Israel as well as Palestine along with other nations of Arab in the Middle East signifies one of the most important, complex as well as long running conflicts in the current world history. The fight in between Israel as well as Palestine is there as an art of the wider problems in relations in between the nations of Arab along with the Israel and the Jewish people (Fulton, Jonathan, and Roie). There was existence of problem since the time of the Ottoman Empire in the late 19th century on the basis of the differences of religion. When the rules were established by the British in the province of Palestine in the 1910s, the significant immigration of the Jews into the regions from Europe changed the demographic composition of the area as well as improved the conflict’s prospect. In the year 1948, Britain had provided independence to Israel, on land that was occupied by the kingdoms of Israel and Judah previously. This establishment improved the issue of control of land as well as the territorial ownership in between Arabs as well as Israel that ultimately led to the 6-day war of the year 1967 (Guzansky, et al.,). The victory of Israel in the war had facilitated the control over huge tracts of land in the region of Arab, leading to a widespread feeling of anti-Israel hospitality among the countries of Arab. This hospitality along with the resistance of Israel have described the relations in the Middle East for many decades. Many forms have been taken through the conflict, consisting of the violent crusades through Palestinians as well as paramilitary units like Hamas through the support of the country of Arabs in the area. An international dimension has also been adapted by the conflict as organisations as well as regimes throughout the Middle East as well as the wider world emerge as well as establishes in the name of the promotion of the cause of Palestinians as well as Arabs against the oppression of Israel. These dynamics have turned Middle East into a highly volatile area over many years (Admoni, Ariel). Even after various attempts for resolving the conflicts, the global community has failed to identify an organisation as well as a lasting solution.  

Research Questions

The complex as well as long running nature of the conflict of Arab Israel in the Middle East along with the lack of effective solution even after various attempts through the international community, has an influence on the demand for a new approach for finding the lasting peace in the area. The most committed as well as successful solution will most probably include the efforts of the area’s country themselves for resolving their differences, instead of the imposed solutions through the global community (Munir, Kishwar, and Saira). The pact in between both the nation is important from this perspective.  

The questions below signify the main areas of inquiry which are the concern in the study:

  • What is the importance of the pact in between Israel and the United Arab Emirates with regards to the long running conflict in between Israel and Arab in the middle east and therefore for peace in the region of Middle East?
  • Does the pact in between the two nations represent a new feasible as well as effective path for the two sides for abandoning their hostilities as well as find the lasting peace? In other words, whether the pact demonstrates the path that countries in the area should and have to take towards the lasting peace in the area of Middle East?

The agreement in between UAE and Israel promises to develop normal relations between the two nations. This comprises of the business relations, direct flights, scientific cooperation as well as tourism and in time, complete diplomatic ties at the ambassadorial level (Liokumovich, et al,). One of the most significant element of the Abraham Accord, even though not spelled out in a specific manner is improved security cooperation against the local threats, particularly from Iran along with its proxies. It is vital to note that both the nations already have some security ties but the agreement brings them into the open. According to the government of Emirates, the accord immediately stops the pans of the people of Israel for annexing parts of the west bank as well as providing a chance to Palestinians as well as Israel to renew the negotiations for putting a stop to their conflict (Bayrak, Polen).

Contrasting to certain commentary, the agreements are more important for the Arab world than they are for Israel. The people of Israel might derive some amount of emotional safety through feeling less isolated in the area and they might get certain marginal advantages which they could not have got otherwise in their struggle with Iran (AlMaashi, Haifa). But this will radically modify the way the states of Arab will deal with one another along with their issues. Through many ways it signifies Emirati freedom declaration from the world of Arab that they seemed to have concluded does not aid them in meeting any of the issues which is faced by them and that drags them into fights that cannot be won by them. It is believed by people of Emirates that they have self-confidence as well as strength for dealing with any nation in the world in a bilateral manner without the 20 nations standing behind them.

It is expected that the states of Emirates will act more unilaterally moving ahead. But the less capable states which do not have proper resources or the potential of the Emiratis, to act in a unilateral moving ahead as well. It is not yet clear whether they result in more or less stability in the Middle East. It is contrary to the liberalized politics’ vision along with the vibrant civil societies developing resiliency that various administrations of the United States have advanced in the Middle East for many years (Rehman, Aziz). A huge number of opportunities have been created through the Emiratis for themselves. The people of Israel are eager for making deals on the terms of Emirati; they have also improved their relations with the Republicans as well as Democrats in the United States at the time of an extremely polarized politics. It is expected that Emiratis will receive some of the weapon systems of the United States which have been long coveted by them. There is an emotional win of the Israelis as they will get a little less feeling of isolation in the Middle East, they might receive something from the Emiratis with respect to the capital of investment as well as intelligence (Quamar, Muddassir). It can be argued that the people of Iran will feel more surrounded when the adversaries are cooperating very closely, but the people of Emirates were not about to initiate a war before Iran and they are not going to now.  Palestinians are considered to be the biggest losers. They experienced their own weak negotiating hand with Israel and were counting on solidarity of Arab for making it strong. It is not clear whether a position that is weak will impel Palestinians towards a better conciliation or less conciliation with Israel. The two leaders of the state chose to explain the deal n a different way of reflecting their various audiences. The emirates focused that contract will delay the panned claim of Israel of sovereignty to parts of the West bank, making consistent normalization through support for the Palestinians. The breach was made of through the Israelis for shifting concentration away from the local economic as well as political issues and even as an initial point for a campaign of election (Zweiri, Mahjoob). The fight in between Israel as well as Palestine is there as an art of the wider problems in relations in between the nations of Arab along with the Israel and the Jewish people. There was existence of problem since the time of the Ottoman Empire in the late 19th century on the basis of the differences of religion.

Literature Review

The White house had explained the treaty as a big come through for all the Muslims across the globe who demanded peace for praying at the Al Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem, as they could easily fly in a direct way from Abu Dhabi to Tel Aviv as well as be welcomed (Egel, et al., ). The initiative that a huge number of visa will be provide to Muslims by Israel from nations extensive measured hostile for praying at a mosque on the Temple Mount, Judaism’s holiest place. The pact is just the third time Israel has got fame through one of the twenty-two states of Arab. The new agreement signifies a political get through for Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and President Trump as together they were facing political obstacles at home. It has been a bipartisan support at the United States, the presumptive nominee of democratic president; Joe Biden welcomed the deal as a historical event of bridging the profound partition of the Middle East. He admired UAE for a brave as well s badly required act if statesmanship (Dorsey, James). The deal on the other hand even underscores the way for Palestinians; a state along with a wider peace is still forcefully indefinable more than 25 years after there have been some outlined principles in the Oslo Accord for the making of their own nation. After so many years of dominating as well as defining the strain athwart the Middle East, the Palestinians did not remain a pressing precedence any longer. They even seemed to be increasingly irrelevant to the trendiness of the area. They are being abandoned by their brethren. The conflict is not so significant to the leaders in the area. This concord is a clear expression of exhaustion of certain leaders of Arab, UAE as well as Saudi Arabia particularly, with the leadership of Palestinian and their grounds (Allam, Rasha).  These people no longer want to be kept back by the things that they see as Palestinians rejectionism.

The most important line of fault in the Middle East has moved from conflict of Arab and Israel to the stress between the Arabs and principally the Persian Iran. As there has been a shift in the entities, there has also been a shift in the diplomatic energy (Ahmed, Zahid and Khurram). And in an instance of the old maxim of the envy of your foe being your peer, the traditionalist kingdoms of Muslim in the Gulf have increasingly identified the general origin with the Jewish management in Israel. The formal development of an anti-Iran might be signalled through the deal which has been silently establishing for years, probably with some more states to join. The deal can be said to be an important step in building a more secured, peaceful as well as prosperous Middle East. It was claimed that the leadership in between the leaders at the time of the undisclosed discussions, that have played out over past six weeks was like love (Gul, et al.,). Now that the ice is busted, it is expected that more Arab as well as Muslim nations will follow the lead of UAE. There has been exponential growth in between the ties of Israel and the Gulf. Underpinned through the common threat from Iran, what started as the whispers of convert intelligence cooperation eventually changed to increasingly public symbols of amity. The right of the Israelis to defend as well as exist itself has been acknowledged by the leaders of Israel, The flag of Israel has flown at sporting events and the officials of the nation have been permitted to visit (Barany, Zoltan). The culmination of the procedure in the deal in between UAE and Israel that seek to break a major taboo in the relations between Arab and Israel through the development of deep bilateral ties not only in between the development of security or the officialdom but in between their individuals.

In the time period of just a month, peace had been brokered by the United States between Israel and the two nations of Arab- First the UAE and then Bahrain. the scope of both the deals were revolutionary through the normalization of the ties as well as emphasizing on the business, travel as well as trade, these warm peace concord go far ahead  the general weak cold peace which was made by Jordan as well as Egypt made with the state of Jewish many years back (Munin, Nellie). Not only Bahrain and UAE deals set the phase for a sea transform in the relations of Arab-Israeli, but a novel opportunity can be presented for finally solving the most stubborn problem between the two sides- the conflict of Israeli-Palestinian.  There has been exponential growth in between the ties of Israel and the Gulf. Underpinned through the common threat from Iran, what started as the whispers of convert intelligence cooperation eventually changed to increasingly public symbols of amity (Schmoll, Melanie).

The Palestinians felt totally handed over. The power of Palestinian fated the deal of Israel-UAE as an violence against the Palestinian remembered the diplomat from the UAE as well as demanded an immediate Arab league Summit. It was affirmed through the management that the UAE or any other party do not have any right of speaking on behalf of the people of Palestinian. The Palestinian has not been completely abandoned through the Gulf Emirate. Rather, it just gave up the hope that the leadership of Palestinian can be retrieved (Shikaki, Khalil). The two area of Palestinian, the west bank and Gaza have been lined through the rivals’ section since the year 2007, when the militias fought for having power over.   An Islamism party with the name of Hamas took over the power in Gaza, while the PLO Fatah wing under president Mahmud Abbas had taken the control of the West Bank. There has been failure for the repeated attempts for reconciling them, making discussions for an enduring or credible concord with Israel almost impossible. Abbas, who was an 84 year old man, was elected to a term of four years in 2005 and there have been postponing of the new elections from that time. Now the leadership is devoid as well as sclerotic of making politics or diplomacy (Blarel, Nicolas). The Palestinian need to solve their individual political issues and untidiness before the Arab would use political clout for helping their grounds. Unlike the accord of Israel with Jordan as well as Egypt, its deal with the UAE changes a primary premise of peace. For many years, the structure of worldwide peacekeeping was on the basis of the land for peace, Israel giving up the land which was conquered by those in the war with Arabs in replacement for Arab showing potential for no violence in the future. The original plot is peace for peace, a well known abstain among the Israelis of right wing. It is on the basis of no swap of land and just a provisional postponement of a commitment for proclaiming dominion over more Arab land in return of a pact of non-violence as well as formal relations. Israel at present has an ally on the front line with the Islamic Republic that lies only thirty three miles at a distance from the UAE (Guzansky, Yoel). As a major partner of trading and the partner of both the country, the US brokered the singing of the Abraham Accords. The organisations of the United States have a unique point of view on the economic landscape of Israel as well as UAE and therefore can offer advice on the way in which both the countries can get an advantage and the way the two places can bridge their economies.  The leaders of Palestine have criticized the relationship normalization in between Israel and UAE. It was claimed that both the sides agrees to the deal and it will bring economic benefits for the people of Palestine. Ever person will get an advantage whenever the economy is strong and that   the normalisation of the relations with Israel has led the experts to world of this symbolises a normalisation of the relations with Qatar whose diplomatic relations with UAE were cut off in the year 2017 (Khanmohammadi, Sarvenaz, and Degang).

Instead of being a special event, the act in between the two nations in 2020 is in alignment with the trend in relations between Israel as well as certain countries in Arab world since the 1970s. The agreement in between UAE and Israel is the third peace deal and this fact is very important as it implies that the pact is not only a ground breaking agreement per se, specifically through the perspective of efforts for the achievement of peace between Israel as well as Arab countries in the wider region of Middle East. In the year 1979, Egypt had turned out to be the first state of Arab that recognised Israel in an official way when there was a singing of U.S.-Brokered pact with the Jewish State (Winter, Ofir). This pact led to the cessation of a state of war which had existed in between the two nations since 1948. The pact provided mutual benefit for both the sides, with Israel making an agreement of withdrawing its civilian population as well as armed forces from the Sinai Peninsula as well as Egypt, permitting free passage of the ships of Israel on the Suez Canal, among the other traits of the agreement. In the same way, the pact in between Israel and Jordan offered benefits for both the sides, particularly in terms of safety for the boundary and sovereignty of Jordan from Israeli cooperation as well as incursion in between the two states for helping in avoiding terrorism. The pact in between Israel and UAE even makes a commitment of huge gains for both the nations, especially as both of them are diversified as well as open with favourable as well as robust climates of business (Baqai, Huma, and Sabiha). All the three pacts of trade contradict the conventional boycott of Israel through Arab world had decreased in importance over the years particularly in the pact of Israel with Jordan as well as Egypt. It still made significant barriers for travel, trade as well as relations of business between the Arab world and Israel. The pact continues the trends of eradicating the importance of boycott of Israel through Arab and enhancing the cooperation as well as trade in between the two nations as well as across the Middle East.

For studying as well as identifying the research questions, there has been adoption of a qualitative design. The design is not explanative but explorative, that focuses on the utilisation of unstructured information as well as approaches for explaining the underlying trends, opinions, experiences as well as reasons in a target phenomenon. The design is the most suitable because of its provision of opportunities for the development of detailed insights into the studied phenomena (Köprülü, Nur). The study has adopted the method of case study that includes the utilisation of different sources of information for understanding a phenomenon from different point of views. the data origin for this particular study should be a review of proper literature as well as other information sources, the exercise of collection of data has targeted literature as well as sources of information on the internet as well as in databases with respect to the importance as well as probable impacts of the pact in between UAE as well as Israel in the broader relations in between the world of Arab as well as Israel and therefore on peace in the Middle East. The sources should comprise of the articles of newspaper, documents as well as analytical reports through think-tank organisations, research as well as scholarly articles from the journals as well as written perspectives through political experts as well as analysts. The procedure of analysis has involved the identification of the main themes as well as patterns of meaning from these sources that concerns the pact of UAE-Israel along with its importance as well as impacts on the Middle East and the utilisation of proof through these sources for supporting these themes which are identified. In this way, it should be possible to answer all the research questions which are identified in the study in an effective manner. One of the establishments for keeping a track is the rivalry of US-china in the Middle East (Ahmad, Saleem). The agreement between Israel as well as UAE, both the allies of the United States could be interpreted as a counter to the deal of Iran-China, But, both the nation enjoy their advanced relation with China and it is not probable that the leaders in either of the state would like to antagonize Beijing.

The main ethical consideration in the procedure of research for the study has involved the need for avoiding the biasness of the researcher, particularly with respect to the principle of non-malfeasance. The biasness of researcher concerns the role of the researcher in skewing the process of research as well as gathered data towards a particular outcome of research, while the principles of non-malfeasance need the researchers to act in ways which does not cause any harm. The considerations might eb important in the study because of the sensitive nature of the question of Arab-Israel in certain sections of the society. It should be important to follow facts as well as impartial analysis while making use of the sensitive language in carrying out the study as well as presenting the findings for avoiding disparaging impacts through an ethnic point of view.

The Israel- United Arab Emirates normalisation harmony is legitimately called the Abraham Accords Peace Agreement, political relations as well as complete normalization in between the UAE as well as the United State of Israel.   The UAE had turned out to be the third Arab nation, just after Egypt in the year 1979 as well as Jordan in 1994, for agreeing to formally normalizing its relationship with Israel along with the Persian Gulf nations for doing so. At the same time as, Israel reached an agreement for suspending plans for capturing parts of the West Banks (Eilam, Ehud). The agreement had normalized that what was informal yet robust international relations in between the two nations. The signing of the agreement was done at the White House On September 15 in the year 2020. An approval was provided unanimously through the cabinet on 12th October as it was ratified through the Knesset on October 15. The parliament of UAE along with the cabinet had ratified the agreement on October 19.

On august 12, for the very first time, UAE developed telephone links to Israel through unblocking direct dialing to Israel’s country code of +972. The very first direct commercial flight from Israel to the UAE had taken place on august 31; in the year 2020 and the fist ship that was carrying cargo from the UAE to Israel had entered the Haifa port on October 12 (Shavit, Ari).

The announcement that UAE as well as Israel are regulating the associations is less of an earthquake then it might seem as Israel along with many other Gulf States have been moving ahead in that way. It seems that the breach had some rational result of the course which was followed by the Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu along with the crown prince of UAE, Muhammad Bin Zayed who was having a undisclosed ambassadorial contact for certain time. The agreement in between them had been the third deal of peace in between an Arab nation as well as Israel that followed Jordan (1994) and Egypt (1979). It will make a new vibrant on three levels- domestic, international as well as regional.

On the domestic level, the two leaders of the state chose to explain the deal n a different way to reflect their various audiences. The emirates focused that the deal will postpone the panned application of Israel of sovereignty to parts of the West bank, making consistent normalization with support for the Palestinians. The breakthrough was made of through the Israelis for shifting attention away from the local economic as well as political issues and even as an initial point for a campaign of election (Mousavian, Seyed, and Salman). There was an agreement from both the sides which the rapprochement is an historical footstep which can provide some hope to the area. In the UAE the sentiments of the public have been very supportive as it would be expected. While an older Emirates age group grew up with a ruthless view of Israel, the cause of Palestine has been less of a gathering cry for the ones who came of age in the 21st century, time which had huge regional turmoil. In the younger Emiratis, a more pragmatic view of Israel seems to be the rule, particularly as the Iranian imperialism along with the militant Islam have taken on a bigger role in the perception of regional threat in the post-Arab period of uprisings. Beyond the domestic level, the declaration has important regional allegation. Iran as well as Turkey both had reacted as it is expected from one (Oxford Analytica). The finance minister of Iran had criticized the deal at the time of his visit to Lebanon, explaining it is a stab in the back for Lebanon along with some other Arab nations. There was a threatening to cut all the diplomatic ties with UAE and close the embassy over the deal. Iran as well as Turkey both was threatened through the new alignment and it also challenges their regional policies.

There had been measurements of reactions from other local government. Support was expressed through Oman, Bahrain as well as Oman. It is expected that Bahrain will be the state of Arab to be familiar with Israel and Oman has advocated long for some warmer relations. In the year 2018, Oman’s minister of state for the foreign affairs speculated that might be it is the time for Israel to be provided the same treatment and also bear the similar obligations. Saudi Arabia had stayed quiet of its relationship with Israel, though, it had been speculated that the doors for Saudi can be opened through UAE for following the suit.

On the international level, there has been variation in the responses between indifference as well as support. One of the establishments for keeping a track is the rivalry of US-china in the Middle East. The agreement between Israel as well as UAE, both the allies of the United States could be interpreted as a counter to the deal of Iran-China, But, both the nation enjoy their advanced relation with China and it is not probable that the leaders in either of the state would like to antagonize Beijing (Kosárová, Dominika). Without taking into consideration any of the establishments which changes the strategic landscape of Middle East will have implications on the wider international level, along with the leader’s responses in the United States, Russia as well as China will bear watching.

The Palestinian power damned the deal of Israel-UAE as an violence against the individuals of Palestinian, recalled the representative from the UAE as well as demanded an immediate Arab league Summit. It was affirmed through the leadership that the UAE or any other party do not have any right of speaking on behalf of the people of Palestinian. At present, the leadership is devoid as well as sclerotic of making politics or diplomacy. There is a need for The Palestinian for sorting out their individual political problems before the Arab would apply political clout for helping their root. Unlike the accord of Israel with Jordan as well as Egypt, its deal with the UAE changes a primary premise of peace. For many years, the structure of worldwide negotiation was on the basis of the land for peace, Israel giving up the land which was taken over by those in the war with Arabs in exchange for Arab promising no aggression in the future. The new aspect is peace for peace, a well known cease in the right wing Israelis. It is on the basis of no land exchange and just a temporary suspension of a commitment for proclaiming sovereignty over more Arab land in exchange of a pact of non-violence as well as formal relations. Israel at present has an ally on the front line with the Islamic Republic that lies only thirty three miles at a distance from the UAE. The Palestinian has not been completely abandoned through the Gulf Emirate. Rather, it just gave up the hope that the leadership of Palestinian can be recovered. The two territories of Palestinian, the west bank and Gaza have been ruled through the rivals’ factions since the year 2007, when the militias fought for having power over.  

In the time period of just a month, peace had been brokered by the United States between Israel and the two nations of Arab- First the UAE and then Bahrain. the scope of both the deals were revolutionary through the normalization of the ties as well as emphasizing on the business, travel as well as trade, these warm peace agreements go far beyond the general tenuous cold peace which was made by Jordan as well as Egypt made with the state of Jewish many years back. Not only Bahrain and UAE deals set the phase for a sea change in the relations of Arab-Israeli, but a novel opportunity can be presented for finally solving the most intractable problem between the two sides- the conflict of Israeli-Palestinian (Mohammed, Moyosore and Abdullahi). The most important line of fault in the Middle East has shifted from the conflict of Arab and Israel to the problems between the Arabs and principally the Persian Iran. As there has been a shift in the entities, there has also been a shift in the political energy. The formal development of an anti-Iran might be signalled through the deal which has been quietly establishing for years, probably with some more states to join. The deal can be said to be an important step in building a more secured, peaceful as well as prosperous Middle East. It was claimed that the leadership in between the leaders at the time of the secret negotiations, that have played out over the last six weeks was like love. Now that the ice is broken, it is expected that more Arab as well as Muslim nations will follow the lead of UAE.  There has been exponential growth in between the ties of Israel and the Gulf. Underpinned through the common threat from Iran, what started as the whispers of convert intelligence cooperation eventually changed to increasingly public symbols of amity (Canal Forgues, et al., ). The right of the Israelis to defend as well as exist itself has been acknowledged by the leaders of Israel, The flag of Israel has flown at sporting events and the officials of the nation have been permitted to visit. The culmination of the procedure in the deal in between UAE and Israel that seek to break a major taboo in the relations between Arab and Israel through the development of deep bilateral ties not only in between the development of security or the officialdom but in between their individuals. The deal offers the needed cover for other states of Gulf for following the suit. Critically as UAE as well as Bahrain are regional hubs of business, the two deals of peace will facilitate people to people interactions in between the increasing numbers of the visitors of Israel along with the hundreds of thousands of expatriate workers across the Islamic as well as Arab world comprising of the Lebanese, Syrians, Iranians, as well as Iraqis whose home nations have hostile relations with Israel if any. Even if it will be an incremental procedure, developing a space for these populations for interacting with one another for the first time as real human away from mutual relationships, propaganda of the government as well as hostilities will have a revolutionary effect on every side and on the regional peace.

As a major partner of trading and the partner of both the country, the US brokered the singing of the Abraham Accords. The organisations of the United States have a unique point of view on the economic landscape of Israel as well as UAE and therefore can offer advice on the way in which both the countries can get an advantage and the way the two places can bridge their economies.  The leaders of Palestine have criticized the relationship normalization in between Israel and UAE. It was claimed that both the sides agrees to the deal and it will bring economic benefits for the people of Palestine. Ever person will get an advantage whenever the economy is strong and that   the normalisation of the relations with Israel has led the experts to world of this symbolises a normalisation of the relations with Qatar whose diplomatic relations with UAE were cut off in the year 2017.


The paper showed the significance of the pact of UAE-Israel as both the nation has an effect along with an outcome of efforts for the achievement of peace in the broader Middle East. It signifies the abandonment of the region of the hostile attitude towards Israel and the less isolation of Israel with respect to the nations of Arab in the area. The pact shows the evidence of the growing realisation of Arab that their long held views of hostile towards Israel are unrealistic and futile and the acknowledgement of the existence of Israel as a valid country and willingness for cooperating with it shows the only paths to development as well as peace. The recognition of Arabs have been exemplified through the pact that their philosophy of boycotting Israel is not real and is also harmful to their own as well as larger region of Middle east interest as well as well being. Through its pact with Israel and on the basis of the huge business as well as diplomatic influence in the Middle East, a new awakening in the Arab world has been had been promoted through UAE about the need of taking a new approach in relations with the Israel and towards the peace and prosperity of Middle East. Instead of being a special event, the act in between the two nations in 2020 is in alignment with the trend in relations between Israel as well as certain countries in Arab world since the 1970s. The agreement in between UAE and Israel is the third peace deal and this fact is very important as it implies that the pact is not only a ground breaking agreement per se, specifically through the perspective of efforts for the achievement of peace between Israel as well as Arab countries in the wider region of Middle East. 


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